2 It started with a coffee

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4 years ago, when I badly needed to get away from my brother who is trying to force me to marry his friend who is an alcoholic and a womanizer, I had no option but to find a place to live on my own. My mother is with Ahmed, my brother, who also insist I marry someone who is a worst nightmare of any girl, let alone a religious hijabi.

My education was sadly neglected. I had work couple of jobs even to finish high school. But that didn't stop me from trying to be someone. So, I moved to a studio apartment, so I can at least be independent for a while before hell break lose.

My mother and brother are both abusive. Father has 3 wives and hardly have time to talk to any of us. I have been beaten unconscious many times by my brother simply because I don't listen to him. I was trying all sorts of jobs but nothing worked out. But then I got a call from one of the recruitment company asking if I'd like to consider a job as a house maid for a mansion. Now, it is paid help they say but there is no way of getting around it. I need money for the online interior design course I have enrolled, and this job pays much more than a blue color job does in may area. So I agreed and that is how I met Joe Malroy, the ex business tycoon and now homeless boss.

I had no problem working for Joe. He knows who he is and he knows what we are. Though he was never unkind to any of his house hold staff which is about 5 people, just to keep his penthouse up and running, we all know and seen his anger. We all know what his wrath is about. And we know the unspoken rule of hierarchy of ranks.

Nevertheless, I was thankful when I got the job. I had enough money to pay off all the loans and even save some money for the generosity of Joe. He has only spoken to me twice during my 2 years at his house.

Once is to tell me I make good coffee and going forward, he expect coffee to be made by me.

Second time to tell me he need more sugar in his coffee.

Every day he pass by when I am cleaning the windows, and everyday I stop my work to say "Good Morning sir" for which I only nod his head. That's good as anyone bellow him can expect.

He dates and sleep with gorgeous women. Some of them are big names in Music industry and Hollywood. And Joe is a vision to hold. He has dark black hair, sky blue eyes, high cheek bones, a square jawline and dimples. And on top of all that, he is rich.

My shift is from morning 6 a.m to night 4 p.m. I may be a fool in thinking this, but I had a special fondness for Joe. I see him get in to this car everyday which matches his tie color, and I recite ayathul kursh after him not because I was romanticizing him, but I fear my evil eyes. I am that religious.

Today Friday, my best friends Fathima, Marry, Neha and myself decided to go for a late night movie. All of live in the same building making it easy to do this night things. I am not a fan of late night events but I need to socialize, and apparently this city wakes up at night when I am fast sleep.

"That movie was boring" that was me. I hate movies.

"Isn't the leading actress is your "sugar daddy's" girlfriend?" Neha. Joe had been nicked name my "sugar daddy" ever since my friends got to know I work for a supper hot, billionaire not a old, ugly millionaire.

"I don't know. I haven't seen her in the house though"

"You said you don't know who Liz Hunt until you saw the papers. Your maid of honor is too high"

"I will be finishing my online course very soon girls. And please feel free to hire me" I told them making puppy eyes.

"You have already decorated, re-decorated and again decorated all our apartments many times over. Why should we hire you? You will do it anyways"

It's getting mid night. Everyone except me wanted a coffee. I was dozing by now. So we stopped at our favorite coffee shop. And that's when I saw him.


I had to blame myself on one more thing, which is buying every damn thing I have under the trust. Since it was mine, I never thought dad would exercise his right to block the outflow of cash until his death. Well, he didn't take long to do so. By the time, I tried my ATM and credit cards, all blocked. I have my car but that is part of the trust. If dad demands I return it, I should. My penthouse is gone.

I know, if not for dad, Stella and her vipers will make trouble to who every I am associated with. If I stay over at a friend or have a friend helping me, they will be destroyed within minutes. My dad had that much influence, and so did I when I was part of the company. There has to be someway out of this mess. It may take sometime to figure out. I don't have mum's will. I luckily have it in my mail, and several copies attested and recorded all over USA. I should thank myself for taking that precaution at leas when I was 18. On top of mum making sure no one can steal from me, not even my dad, she also made sure the document is legal. But with the vast number of real estate I had, I had to get the copy of the trust and my mum's will literally available to anyone and everyone.

But there are few things in the apartment I badly need if I am to make my case. Everyone in the house hold is loyal to me, so I thought until my bodyguard deserted me and driver refused to move the car. A simple threat from dad, and this is how they switch sides. So, if I trust anyone to take those documents but they end up giving them to Stella and her vipers, then I am screwed until dad dies.

I am called the top brain of the industry for a reason. Within seconds I left the house, I got calls from 10 different companies , all competitors to join them as partners, director, CEO and some with ownership. But I know, if I harm Malroy empire, I harm my self. 45% is mine, dad has 40% and minor stakeholders have 15% in the company. But because of the trust, I am more richer than my dad. But little good it is doing me now. Oh mum.

I need a coffee to drink it off. I need to think this over. I will take what is mine with patience. Anything I do now, will not go un noticed. I stepped in a coffee shop, from a God knows where place. At least people don't know me here.

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