9 Beauty in disguise

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What the hell? As soon as Martinez left, Liz attacked me. She just jump from her seat to my lap and was kissing me passionately. I saw Zahra close the door just to see she was trying to make out with me. The expression in her face was priceless.

For a minute she was staring, and then she was looking for a place to hide, then she decided to turn around and walk out. Then I decided to end this kiss. I am a sexually active person. I need sex like I need air to breath. I haven't had a woman in my arms in what, 2 days ago?3 days ago? That's like an years celibacy for me. So, when Liz kissed me, it wasn't unwelcome but I don't want to make out at Zahra's house while making her uncomfortable. For goodness sake, Zahra hasn't been kissed let alone done the stuff I do on daily basis.

So I broke the kiss. And told Liz "behave Liz. We are at Zahra's house. Respect her ethical and moral standards"

Liz and Zahra both were surprise to hear what I said. Well, I was surprised too. But Liz didn't drop it " Come to my house with me. It is much better than here. We could have so much fun"

I am sure this conversation is making Zahra uncomfortable and embarrassed. So she excused herself to go out, but I didn't let her. 

"Zahra, no. Liz get off my lap. Zahra sit here" I pointed right next to me while making Liz sit on the opposite chair. Liz is not in her usual pleasing mood. Envious? I don't know.

"Liz understand this one more time. Right now, I am not the same person whom you used to know. But it wont take long to get all that back. However, anyone, I mind you, anyone insult Zahra or hurt her even with a word, I will not take any exception in making their life a living hell. When I had nothing, she is all I had. And in future, if I lose everything, I know still she is all I have left. Don't embarrass, insult, hurt or so much so think of harassing her. Am I clear?"

"I didn't mean it my love. I missed you so much. I am sorry Zahra if I hurt your feelings. Please forgive me. I have parked my car not too far from here. Joe, come on. Let's go for a ride and loosen you up"

I needed the sex badly now that Liz had mentioned it, but I am with Zahra. I don't want to leave Zahra as it will be the last day I am staying with her. I enjoy her company. Well...

"Liz, I will call you tomorrow. I have some work I need to complete, but I will take you to your car"

And without looking at Zahra, I lead Liz out. It bothered me to know Zahra would know I had sex with Liz. Damn! Zahra's holiness is rubbing on to me. I took Liz to the lift, gave her a sound kiss and came back. The door was not locked, so I just opened it.

What the F*cking hell did I just see? I stood at the doorway frozen on the spot. Zahra, obviously thinking I would take time with Liz had not only had removed her head scarf but also the black thing she wears which is apparently called an abaaya off too. She had ear phones on, so she didn't hear the door opening I guess. Eyes closed , legs stretched, hair - gosh the glorious chestnut color hair with some light brown stripes just flowing from her shoulder.

I always thought she wore some hideous thing underneath the abaaya. But she was wearing a dark blue long sleeve T-shirt with a v neck. And white skin hugging denim. She wore a small chain, which is making her already stretched long neck deliciously sensual. I had to hold my breath. Her figure is what a mans undoing. I swear, she could kill a man without even attempting. A real gem. And I felt the sudden urge to take her in my arms.

With the abaaya, she always had a friendly , warm energy. But this woman should be kept covered and hidden if this is what she is underneath. I slowly closed the door, not disturbing her. And slowly moved close to her not to disturb her, I need to savor this moment. Very unlikely I will see it again, and damn! Her phone rang and she opened her eyes.

Her first expression was a surprise, like what the hell I am doing so soon in her apartment, then I felt a shyness creeping in. Oh no, she didn't feel shy for what I have seen which she had told me many times only her husband had the right to see.

"I didn't know such beauty exists. Damn your phone"

"You should have made some noise you know" she rushed to cover herself to my disappointment.

"Just leave it Zahra. You sooth a man's senses. Man, you are beautiful. Why cant you let the whole world see it?" I asked her accusingly.

"Well, only one person has the right to it. And sadly now you have seen it to. So shut up, wipe that smile and get back to work" she was annoyed which made me more daring in teasing her.

"You have ruined me for other woman" she smiled while covering her head with the scarf.

"Then I did a service to all women in the world"

With that we settled to work.

One thing for sure, since I saw what the package inside the black abaaya, I will never see her again as Zahra, my friend. I hope my lust will not hurt both of us at the end.


James was literally staring at me as I have grown wings when he saw me without hijab. I know, I am not ugly. I am not the worst looking person, but to say I don't know what I look is deceiving myself. So, I wasn't surprise to see him unsettled for sometime. I knew he needed his sex. And I wasn't surprise when he escorted Liz. But when the lust is targeted at me for few minutes, I felt like jumping off the window. It's too much to handle.

I made dinner silently while Joe went to have a shower. Then after dinner he had another shower. I don't know why he needs to have showers like every hour or something. But I kept quite.

"Zahra, can you help me until I am settled? I need a PA. Someone with good instincts and brain. Someone trustworthy and loyal. Right now, I cant trust anyone but you. Then I need legal opinion on my mothers will and my other properties. I need some support. At office people will take sides. So working will become difficult. So I need your help. I'll pay you well. Please"

"Joe, I am not qualified to be a PA. I am doing an interior decorating course. I know little finance and next to nothing about what you do, and how to go about it. By the time you train me, your 6 months would have ended with Mr.Martinez" I told him.

"I am wondering if I should take Martinez proposition seriously? The company is mine. It is just a matter of time. But with Martinez owning 5% more than his share, I am losing my 5%. If not for that, I have to find a way to extract it from dads share. If I lose my 5% from the Trust, then me and dad will be equal share holders. If dad decides to give all his wealth to Stella, then she can cause me enough trouble by with holding or using her votes against me. In which case, Martinez will become a crucial part of us, and can manipulate me and Stella"

"That proves my point. I am so naïve, and I wont be able to handle the sharpness you will need right now to steer you through this difficult times. I am not sure I am able to think the way you do. I am telling you this as honest as I could, and as someone who genuinely care about your wellbeing, you are better off without me as a PA"

"Angel, do it for me please. Give it a try, and see. If you don't like it, I wont force it upon you" this is like the 2nd time he called me with an endearment. If I lift my head and looked in those blue eyes, which can make a woman lose her mind, I am sure I wouldn't say no. But then his persuasion and pleading is getting difficult to ignore.

Time to learn "Business" and I said, "Okay, lets give it a try"

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