Chapter Six.

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Dedicated to amalin_v ❤❤❤

She has been leaving such cute comments and is being so sweet. X

Welcome back, felt like updating because i might aswell since work is tomorrow and i don't want to keep you guys waiting.

Im kinda annoyed because my brother didn't get me pizza and I've been craving it for so long! So yeah im pissed but lets just say someone else is going to be pissed today at Ayla! *Gets popcorn out, ready for the drama*

Anyway i hope you enjoy so... Off with the update!


It was an hour before noon and I had just woken up, I had to get ready and go to Bri's by half twelve since me, Bri and James were going out.

Yes I was going out with them, I'm not going to go work with Ryder because when I told Bri all hell broke loose, she was furious. She said how he can't control me and he's a dick for being so rude to me. She's right, she always is.

I went downstairs and made myself coffee. Seeing dad's car gone I figured he had gone to work and mum was either sleeping or doing an afternoon shift at the daycare center.

Making myself some pancakes with Nutella and strawberries I happily eat my breakfast. Once my food baby was growing I got up and went to go get ready.

Going to my parents room to check if mum was there I see her fast asleep. Not wanting to wake her I quietly went to my room.

Opening the door to my closet I walked in and looked for something to wear. Settling on a oversized jumper and some baggy jeans I pair it with some rings and put the ensemble on. Going to the bathroom I wash my face and do my skincare. Brushing my teeth and rinsing my mouth I go back into my room.

Checking the time to see it was just over eleven thirty I rushed to do my makeup. I brushed my brows out and did a small winged eyeliner. I coated my lips with a pinky brown gloss and brushed my hair leaving it out. Just incase I got annoyed with my hair I wore a hairtie around my wrist.

Getting out my small black side bag I put my wallet, keys, gum, lip gloss and travel card in. Going back to my closet to find my air forces my phone rang and I picked up as it was in my pocket.

"Hello." I said not knowing who called because I didn't look at the caller ID.

"Hey, girl why you sound so out of breath." Oh it was Bri. "Its because I'm going crazy trying to find my trainers." I said and after an eternity I found my shoes.

"Found it." I said and heard her laugh. "So what time are you coming? James is going to meet us there." She said and I took the phone off of my ear to see the time.

"I should be there just after twelve." I said and put my trainers on.

"Okay see you." She says.

"Bye." I replied and ended the call.

I go to mums room and gently tap mum, her eyes open and she smiles. "Mama I'm going shopping with Bri and a new friend, it almost twelve, I'll be back in the evening." I say and she nods, sitting up she looks at me. "I slept in? Blame your father me and him celebrated a bit too much for quite a long time. Anyway do you need money?" I cringed and wanted to teleport back to five minutes ago when I didn't hear that.

"Not really and mum ew." She laughed and got up she went to her bag and got out three fifty pound notes.

"Here princess." She says and yawns.

"Mum I don't need that much!" I said shocked and she waved her hands dismissively. She always gave me way too much when I didn't even need it, I always spent my money wisely so I had a lot in my account also dad always puts at least a grand every one or two months since I turned sixteen. I was grateful because I could use it for University even if dad said he would pay but I won't let him, he's done enough.

"Treat yourself baby. Before you go can you make me some tea." I nodded and kissed her cheek.

Going downstairs I got a mug out and made her tea, I got a small plate and put some biscuits on it. I quickly give her the tea and biscuits and rush out.

I looked at the time and thought it would be best to take an Uber if I wanted to make it on time. As I got to Bri's we left quick to Oxford Street where we would meet James.

James texted me telling us he was near Selfridges, we met up as he bought some clothes. We made our way to different stores and I picked out some gifts for my parents. I bought dad a silver chain, the deal with Costello Airlines went so well and he deserved this. I bought mum a Celine bag that I knew she had been wanting for a while.

Us girls dragged James to Bershka and we bought some clothes, Bri had gotten this beautiful dress for her date with Myles and I had gotten some bits and bobs.

"I'm pretty sure I am the only guy in here. Can we go because you guys are taking forever." James whined making me and Bri giggle.

"When you come shopping with us expect us to take long. But I'm quite hungry sooooo?" Bri says. "Lets go to that new cafe that opened up in Bond Sreet.

As we eat James tells us more about his life in Spain and we inform him about school, the year, who to avoid and whatnot.

All of a sudden my phone started buzzing and I looked to see who it was. It was Ryder, I had given him my phone number last night whilst we were working considering we are doing a project together.

I chose to ignore his call and sent it to voicemail.

"Who was it?" James asked. "Ryder." I answered.

"Why is he calling, doesn't he know that you're with us?" I smiled sheepishly.

"I kind of- well I didn't tell him that I was going out with you guys so he thinks I'm still coming to his." Bri choked on her drink and coughed.

"Girl he is going to be mad." She said and I already knew that but I really wanted to go out and he wasn't my dad or anything to be telling me where to not go."

"I know but who is he to order me around." I said and finished my food. I changed the subject by talking to Bri about her date and eventually we started shopping again. I bought more sweaters and hoodies for the winter season, all of us did.

Around five we finished and I dropped Bri off and went home.

I finally gained courage and took my phone out, It had been buzzing all day. I had set a buzzing ringtone for Ryder because by the time it was four I had thirteen calls from him and countless messages.

I put the phone on charge and went to wash my face. After I had changed into my pajamas I called him, he picked up straightaway.

"Where the fuck have you been didn't I tell you to come at three." He says pissed at my absence.

"I told you I was going out with James and Bri-"

"Fuck them, if I tell you to come, then you come."

"Who are you to me that I have to listen." I hang up before he can reply and a feeling of anxiety settles in my stomach.

I was dreading Monday.


hii hope you enjoyed!

how was your day?

vote and stay safe, remember to drink water!

lots of love,


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