Chapter Eight.

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Dedicated to armanroxx ❤❤❤

Welcome Back.

Hi guys so you all saw a development in Ryder but what will happen today?

Thank you so much because we have moved from 734 to 672 in Teen Fiction!

Anyways off with the update...


I shivered as I walked through the kitchen, it was disgustingly cold today. Also the time was changing, meaning shorter days and longer nights.

My head ached so I made myself some coffee. Quickly making some pancakes for myself and my parents I finish my breakfast and had some medicine. I didn't sleep all night, the tall, brooding Italian was clouding my thoughts.

I went upstairs and got ready. I wore a tan long sleeved top with blue jeans. Although it was cold I was tired of wearing jumpers and hoodies. Placing a long comfy cardigan in my bag in case it got really cold I got out some black suede low heeled boots.

I rubbed cream into my face and left it like that. I decided to wear little to no makeup during the winter. There was no point and I didn't want to ruin my skin.

Removing the beige trench coat from the hanger I wore it and instantly felt more warm. Putting the shoes on and grabbing my bag and phone I go downstairs to see my parents eating.

"Thanks for the breakfast baby, you look poorly. Are you okay?" Mum asks and I nod. "Yeah its just a headache it'll go soon." I said and she hugged me.

"Are you sure? You can stay home if you want." Dad says and places his palm on my forehead. "You're temperature is just a little hotter than usual." He says.

Shaking my head I reply "I'm fine, I'll be off to school now."

"Bye." They both say and I say it back.

Leaving the house I make my way to the train station, I wasn't going to pick up Bri because Myles was. It was fine with me since they are going out, seeing a Starbucks I go inside hoping to buy a hot beverage.

Looking at the menu for a couple of minutes I settle on a salted caramel white mocha. Paying and leaving I sip on the drink and sigh.

'This is nice.' I thought satisfied at my choice of drink.

Going onto the train I sit down and listen to music. The journey was ten more minutes longer as I didnt take the bus to Bri's. As the train came to my stop I got off and walked to school. I walked in feeling awkward, everyone looked at me, I figured it was because Bri wasn't with me.

But that wasn't the case.

All of a sudden my I'm grabbed by the waist and being lead somewhere by none other than Ryder.

After a minute or so we stop in a empty hallway.

"Ryder please let me go." I said politely hoping he would.

"Listen I'm going to apologise because I don't hurt girls. But this doesn't change the fact that I loathe you, now the next time I ask you to do something you listen okay?" He says and in my mind I laughed. 'You dont hurt girls? but you hurt me everyday.' I thought.

"Stop daydreaming like a little bitch, do you understand." He said and I looked into his eyes.

Feeling a surge of confidence I tiptoe and place my mouth next to his ears, he tensed and I smiled. "Yes Ryder."

I would be his peace, not his problem.

I walked away and went to the libary. As I was reading I wondered what came over me to do that. I think I just hoped that if I showed him enough kindness than he would like me. I was raised with love and kindness and I want to show him that.

But it is absolutely laughable how he doesn't 'hurt girls' but he hurts me.

I went to form and sat down. He came in late and looked at me whilst smirking. I gave him a small smile and he sat down. As sir took attendance I looked at my new timetable happy with the lessons I had today.

You see Cambridge Academy makes you do a full two weeks of five lessons daily at the start of the year. Then you have different lessons at different times. I'm pretty sure it's to see who's good enough and bothered, if you don't comply then you're either kicked out or put on warning.


I signed out and went home to eat and take a nap. My alarm went off at half eleven and I got up ready to go back to the academy. Me and James both had fourth and fifth period so we stuck together and had lunch. Bri went home since she didn't have lesson and because poor thing started her period.

"So hows life on the football team?" I asked and he chuckled. He ate a nugget before replying. "Its good. Hows life without Bri?"

"A little boring so entertain me." I said and he started to play chubby bunny with the nuggets, funny but disgusting.

After laughing so much that I couldn't breathe we went to English as the bell rang. Entering class still in tears from lunch, James gives me tissues to wipe my face. I felt daggers being thrown my way and see Ryder glare at me. The bad boy couldn't handle me being happy and enjoying myself could he?

My giggles came to a stop as I sat down. James came beside me and I looked at him confused. 'Was he allowed to sit here?' I thought.

"I asked Sir if I could sit down here because you're my only friend." He air quoted the 'only friend' part. Ah the old trick to make teachers pity you, I'm impressed.

Throughout the whole lesson he had made me laugh. I was surprised I managed to finish my work with him distracting me.

"Look." He said and pointed to where Mr cooper was. He had his arse out as he helped another student. I laughed loudly but my happiness was cut short.

"Can you shut the fuck up." I heard Ryder say and I stopped. James had rolled his eyes and said to me "Don't let hum ruin your fun your laugh is absolutely beautiful." I blushed and hid my face.

When the lesson ended he walked with me to the station and have me a kiss on the cheek.

"See you tomorrow." He said to which I replied "Thank you for making me laugh, see you."

Once at home I changed and ate some chicken pie that mum had made. I began binging Criminal Minds and was interrupted when my phone buzzed.

'I had a fun day today. Thanks for making me laugh also we have business tomorrow so I'll see you then.' James is such a sweetheart bless him.

I read the message and smiled but then I realised I had business.

Business with Ryder.


hiiii hope you enjoyed! let me know what you think!!

pls vote if you haven't.

stay safe and drink lots of water!!!

lots of love,


Beauty and the Bully.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon