The Storm Inside Me.

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Welcome back my loves!

Thought I should update after making you guys wait so long.

So many people messaged me their Snapchat username and I understand why you didn't want to comment and I completely respect that. But yeah thanks for the usernames I'll add them once I make the account.

Anyways... Off with the update. 

|The Storm Inside Me.|


I surprised myself as the curse word came out of my mouth. I rarely swore so we both were taken back.

"Ayla--" He spoke but he couldn't finish his sentence. I thought back on how he was with Leona a few minutes ago.

"Why would you kiss me after being with her."I said disgusted, he looked at me as if unable to form words. Then he sighed, "I wasn't--she just kissed my cheek, we didn't do anything else. I-- I promise." He says and runs his hand through his messy hair.

"Ayla--I'm sorry, I never meant for this to happen." He says sincerely and as upset as earlier when we sat at the willow tree.

Was he serious, I was going to go crazy, he was sorry?

Him, sorry?

"Sorry for what? Ryder for six years! Six years you tortured me, made people hate me, not want to come near me and now your sorry. And to say I fell in love with you--" I poured all my bottled up anger throughout these six years into what I was saying but that last part was me thinking out loud and I wish I didn't say it.

"You love me?" He says almost hopeful, happy.

"Do I love you?" I laughed, of course I did.

"I love the wreck you are, I love how you smell of smoke mixed with some fancy cologne, I loved your soft messy hair that always looked perfect, I love how your eyes are so grey and misty, I love how you always mange to look handsome how helpful you can be but most importantly I loved how under the mysterious bad boy facade is a intelligent young man. Ryder I'm in love with you." I said and instantly his eyes sparked, lit with a bright twinkle.

"Ay--Ayla--" He begins taking a step towards me.

"But you're broken, and I know you're was scared of this-- this relationship because you don't want to get attached and maybe it's because all the good in your life always left you." I interrupt harshly, I needed to get my point across. 

I didn't exactly know what my point was but I hoped he would.

"I know but I'm ready." He says making me almost scoff.

"Ready for what? What do you want from me? Why did you hurt me all these years, have I done anything bad to you, to anyone?" I asked and took his hand placing it right above my chest.

"Warm blood runs through my veins, I have a heart Ryder. Why do you keep wanting to break my heart?" I say and let the warm salty tears fall from the borders of my eyes.

"Because if he knew how much I loved you he would take the only thing I need, want, love away from me. I'd rather suffer than to have him take you away from me." He says takings his hand and placing it on me cheek, using his thumb he wiped away a tear.

"You think you're the only one who suffers? Everyday since the day you started bullying me, I went home up to my room and cried, cried my heart out because of the insults thrown my way. All because of you. And you say you suffer. Ryder, after the graduation I will never see you again. I know it's months away but I hope the pain will make the months feel like years. I never want to see you again." And with that I shoved his hands away and found the folder leaving the room and leaving Ryder.

I left the building and just as I was going to enter my car a hand pulled me back.

I didn't look back, who else could it be?

"Wont you listen to me for once?" I gritted through my teeth, I tried to remove my hands from his tight grip but failed as he applied more force, tightening his hands around my forearm like a snake.

"Don't do this to me, I'm begging you Ayla, I'll find a way to be with you." He says desperately making me almost feel guilt ridden. 

"I want to be with you but I cant, Ryder let me go, you made your decision when you chose to play around with me."

He turned me around and looked me in the eyes. His beautiful eyes, I saw the pain, the hurt behind them. Why wouldn't he let me help him?

His eyes wondered over my lips and my breath hitched, I loved his lips, so soft, I leaned in closing the gap between us and kissed him. One last kiss that's all I needed.

'Mi serve un ultimo baccio.' His words entered my mind and I smiled as he responded.

I let go and look at him, his eyes begging me to stay.

"Goodbye Ryder." I say and turn back around, with a deep breath I open my car door and get in. Once I'm in I look through the window to see Ryder at the edge of the road walking to his car. I pull out of the bay and when I accelerate forward I hear a bang. The bang echoed in my ear causing a faint ring.

My neck averted to the right fastly giving me whiplash. 

I couldn't believe my eyes, I opened the door and rushed out slowly walking still shocked. My breath got caught in my throat my eyes blurred as the tears masked them. My heart beat slowed down and all I could whisper was,



Hi, hope you enjoyed, I just wanted to say Happy New Year to all and may this year be full of peace and love.

Don't worry I too am shocked at this chapter I just felt a need to write this.

I hope everyone had a good year and will continue to have a good year this year. x

Please vote follow me if you can. xx

Not edited.

Until next time...

Much love,


Beauty and the Bully.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang