Chapter Thirteen.

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I yawned as I stretched my body before getting out of bed. I had my first two lessons in the morning and came home to nap. Although the nap was everything and more I regretted sleeping for three hours knowing how drowsy I'll be in my upcoming class. I just wanted to stay in bed and sleep all day. I put some eye drops in to refresh my eyes and spray my face with some glowy mist Bri recommended, I will not lie, it looks like I haven't even slept and my makeup is fresh.

My last lesson was business and obviously I was dreading it, but today I'm planning to ask Miss Morgan if I can change partners. Hopefully she'll let me get with James or some other person, I didn't mind pairing up with anyone. Anyone but Him. I made myself a promise and I really want to stick to it. Ryder was like a drug, the most addictive kind, the one you know you shouldn't take but the few good moments make all the pain worthwhile. Taking a deep breath I sit at my vanity table and brush my hair. Touching up on my makeup I change from my shorts and tee to a knit dress. I quickly go downstairs and fix a plate of some food mum made, I was hungry and didn't want to leave the house on an empty stomach. I put on The Office and find comfort in seeing my fav characters. It wasn't until James texted me that I realised I was going to be late if I didn't leave right this second. I rush to wash my dirty dishes and run to my car almost forgetting my bag in the process.

I did not feel comfortable driving to school but had no other choice since there were major delays on all transport today. The drive wasn't too bad and I was proud of myself for making it in one piece, parking the car I walk to my class and just about make it as everyone was walking in. I go unto the front wanting to speak with Miss Morgan.

"Sorry Miss, can we speak?"

"Yes Ayla."

"I was wondering if I could change partners for the project?" I ask politely. She furrows her brows. In my mind I pleaded for her to change me, I needed to get away from this guy.

"Is there any particular reason dear?" She asks and I sigh, if only she knew. I cant exactly tell my teacher I've been having an intimate toxic affair with the boy who bullied me for the past six years.

"We don't work well..." I try to find another reason to convince her but I'm startled as an arm drapes around my shoulder.

"She's just joking Miss come on Ayla lets go work." I hear and tense, of course it's him.

"Ayla, come on now, you don't want to waste any time with this project." Miss laughs and dismisses us. I shove him and get out of his hold. Going to my seat I sit down and start working, I could do this project by myself. Yes it meant double the work but I was willing to, anything to spend less time with him.

Ryder sits down next to me halting my breath and making me roll my eyes. I wont speak to him, it may be a little immature but trust me the shit I've dealt with gives me the right to act like this. I could feel his stare all over, his eyes cascading its way down my body, I would be lying if I said I wasn't intimidated, because I very much am. I wont show him that though. Nevertheless I continued with my work. As the lesson passed by he tried everything, pulling my hair, poking my leg and even stealing my pen, jokes on him because I just bought a fresh pack.

"Talk to me." I hear, mentally scoffing I don't reply. This is the same guy who told me to get with James. He needs to make his mind up because it's driving me mad. The silent treatment works, well until he places his hand on my thigh. I gulp and curse myself because I liked his hand there. I think I need therapy, because why am I allowing this. I don't move or react because I know it'll annoy him but then he one ups me. He moves his hand higher making me squirm in my seat. 'So much for not reacting.' I thought to myself. I look up at him, my nose flared and eyes fixated on his. Motherf- wait, let me not go there.

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