Rumour Has It.

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This chapter is dedicated to the lovely @rehonor she only started reading in the morning and finished everything, now that is dedication! on a serious note thank you my love.

Welcome back my loves!

I've had such a busy day, my whole body is exhausted. I have a huge test tomorrow and I'm procrastinating because studying is just not my thing. 

Vote and comment if you enjoy. x

Anyways... Off with the update.

|Rumour Has It.|


The alarm blared and I got up and looked around, I was in Ryder's room. Last night I obeyed as he told me to stay, for some odd reason I wanted to. I couldn't help but feel safe in his arms. Reaching for my phone I saw notifications of many missed calls from my mum, dad and Bri. My head throbbed like crazy and I felt like throwing up even though nothing was rising up my throat.

I tried to get out of Ryder's tight grip around my waist but trying that was like lifting 100 kg, and I couldn't do that. I felt his hot breath on my head and his little snores, I smiled and turned around. Is it weird that I wanted to kiss him, of course it was. He looked so peaceful in his sleep, as if it was when he could get away from the world. I don't know what came over me but I stated to run my hands through his hair, using my finger to rub his temples gently. His eyes opened slowly and they looked into mine, his eyes were so beautiful, so unique. I removed my hands but stopped halfway hearing him speak. 

"Don't stop, it feels heavenly." Husky and rough, that's how his voice sounded. Lord it sounded good. I continued running my hands through his soft locks.

"Ryder don't we have to go school?" I asked worrying that I'd be in trouble for truancy. The time was 10:25 and I didn't know when my lessons where.

"We both have English at eleven fifteen. Do you have any clothes other than yesterdays." He said the last part with disgust and anger, he was still angry about the event of last night. I remembered some parts like when I was being kissed by a random guy and then Ryder coming in and saving me. 

I shook my head but regretted it as I felt like my brain had moved side to side. He got up and went out of the room leaving me alone. I sat up against the headboard and called mum,dad and bri back.

"Hey baby hows school, I missed you." Mum spoke lovingly through the phone making me feel guilty, if only she knew her baby was at a boys house. "I'm good mum, are you having any cramps or feeling any nausea?" I asked. "No cramps but yeah I'm vomiting a little and my bladder just wont calm down." I chuckled and she groaned. "I've got to go princess, for the hundredth time today I have to pee."

"Okay mum, bye." I said and she hung up with a 'goodbye'. 

I called dad but I'm guessing his phone was on silent and he was in a meeting because he didn't pick up. Calling Bri she picks up immediately, she must've heard what happened.  "Oh my god, Ayla. I was so worried, where are you?!" She said frantically.

"Bri I'm okay, I need your help, can you bring a pair of jeans, its the black ankle grazers I left at your house in the summer. Wait you must already be in school-"

"No iv'e got Sociology at eleven fifteen I'm getting ready as we speak. I'll bring them, see you at school Ay."

"See you." Hanging up I sighed and in came in Ryder with a tray full of pastries and I saw a mug along with water, orange juice and pills?

He passed the tray to me and as if smelling the scent of the buttery sweet croissants my stomach growled. Blushing, I smiled sheepishly and looked down. He chuckled and sat down with me and I bit on the croissant. Looking at him I thought 'why is he doing this?'

"Thank you, but why are you being so nice to me?" I asked and he looked into my eyes.

"Because last night I realised I took you for granted, I'm sorry Babygirl." He said apologetically and sincerely.

I was speechless, I didn't know what to say.

"Lets get ready. I heard you call Bria, for now wear the top it looks like a dress." He said referring to his very large top that I was that did look like a dress on me. Nodding I ask,  "Can I go to the bathroom? I need to wash my face." 

"You didn't need to ask. It's over there." He says pointing to a corner where a white door was. Getting up I walk to the bathroom, I went to the sink and washed my hands and face. going back out Ryder was halfway with putting on his top. It was khaki green but I wasn't looking at that properly, I was looking at his body that must've been sculpted by ancient gods.

"If you keep looking at me like that your'e asking for me to take you against the wall." he said and I blushed. 

"Wait downstairs, I have to make a call." He says and I nod taking my bag and leaving the room. I go down the stairs and through a hall and I realised I was lost. I shouldn't have took that right turn. I got my phone out ready to call Ryder when I bumped into someone. Looking up I see Mr Costello, "Oh sorry Sir I-"

"Who are you?" He says domineeringly making me gulp. 'Did he seriously not remember me?' I thought confused.

"Uh-I'm Ryder's friend." I said and looked down, he was extremely intimidating.

"I see, you must be lost come with me." He says and before I could reply he began walking. After a few seconds of walking we were in the foyer where Ryder stood. Seeing his father his face turned sour. 'Why?' I thought.

"Keep an eye on your friend, you never know what'll happen to her." Mr Costello said mysteriously.

Ryder didn't reply and took me by the arm leaving the house. Entering his car I quickly checked the time to see it was 10:55. We had twenty minutes to get to school. This wasn't Docklands, it was Kensington so luckily it would only take fifteen minutes to go to school. He speeded on every road his knuckles turning white as he gripped the wheel. I cringed as he speeded so much that everything outside was a moving blur. 

Finally we stopped and I closed my eyes, everything span. My door open and I was pulled out gently. He wrapped his arm around my waist and hold me close. I sensed everyone's eyes on us and I hated it. Bri came and her eyes widened seeing me and Ryder. looking up at Ryder I ask him, "I'm going to Bri. Thank you and I'll see you at English." He nods and I could tell he wanted to kiss me but he knew I wouldn't want everyone to see.He kept looking at my lips hungrily and I wanted to place my lips on his but if I did that in front of all these people all the attention would be placed on us.

I release myself from his hold and go to Bri. We leave for the bathroom and she gives me the jeans. I wore them and looked at the mirror, decent and simple.

Bri looked at me with inquiring eyes. "What is it?" I questioned.

"Rumour has it you're going out with Ryder Costello."









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