New Girl

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Valentina p.o.v.

I looked down at a map trying to find my gym class. It was the first day of school and I was actually pretty excited. I am now a 16 year old junior, and every time I move it feels like a fresh start. But this is going to be the last move until dad promised.

I tried to look up now and then to make sure I wouldn't run into anybody, which wasn't hard since this school was really big and I loved that.

I seen a few people like me, lost and confused. But there was lots of people who already knew somebody and were chatting instead of going to class.

The bell rang which sucked because I was officially lost.

"Let me guess, new person?" A girl's voice said behind me. I turned around and seen a girl who looked my age with bright red hair and obvious brown coloured contacts. She was shorter than me which is pretty short since I'm 5 foot 3.

I gave a weird smile and nodded. She took my schedule out of my hand and looked at it. "The Gym is just straight down the hall," She said as she pointed.

I turned towards where she was pointed and turned around to thank her but was gone down the hall...along with my schedule.

Damn, I thought. I didn't have an extra one. I walked fast down the hall as the second bell rang.

I opened the door to the gym, meeting the eyes of tons of people. How did everyone get here on time, I couldn't be the only new person. I wondered.

I held my head down and sat on the bleachers. There was a woman in front taking attendance and saying the usually boring first-day stuff. I dozed off and tried to think of what my next class was.

Eventually, the woman, who I learned was the gym teacher told everyone to go change. I gasped silently realizing I forgot to bring gym clothes.

I watched everyone get up and go to the changing rooms. I sat there a little awkward and then decided to ask someone for a least some tennis shoes and shorts or something.

I walked slowly into the locker room, seeing girls already changing and talking. I felt so out of place, here I was about to ask someone I didn't know on the first day of school if they had extra clothes I could borrow.

I noticed one girl who was pulling her shirt over her head. Her six-pack caught my attention and I couldn't help but stare at her body.

I'm straight but I do like to appreciate great bodies when I see them.

Her shirt came down, and her eyes hooked on to mine. I looked at the floor silently praying she doesn't think I'm weird already.

I looked back up and she was still staring at me with playful green eyes. "See something you like cupcake?" She says holding in a smile.

I felt my cheeks heating and thought of a quick response. "I was just looking for someone with extra clothes for the gym, I forgot mine at home." I darted my eyes at her and the other people in the locker room.

Luckily no one noticed my discomfort right now.

The girl went to her locker and grabbed something out and handed it to me. I looked down seeing black sweatpants and a black tee.

I looked at her to thank her but stopped when I seen her face. She had a huge smirk on her face and looked like she wanted to laugh.

I took a deep breath and gave a sarcastic grin. "Thanks," I grabbed the clothes and didn't see her reaction as I held my head down in embarrassment and went into a corner to change quickly.

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