Return to the Spirit World

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Everyone's faces flood through her mind Lin, No-face, Zeniba, Bou, Yu-bird, Yubaba, Kamaji and most of all...Haku. 'Haku.....' she thinks to herself in bewilderment..she finally remembers his name, but how did she forget everyone in the first place?  Shaking her disrupted thoughts off and calming down no longer crying, with shaky legs she stands and properly takes a good look at her surroundings and to her dismay, it was getting dark.

"No!! The lake!!" she cries out realizing she was running out of time, she begins to pick up her stuff and runs for it as fast as she could go. She needed to get past the rocks before it gets dark otherwise this was all for nothing, to her surprise it didn't take as long to get there as it was when she was 10, probably because she was older now, a lot taller and fitter. Within 2 minutes she jumped over the rocks and made it to the stairs where the restaurant district began, out of breath she kneels down and goes on all fours to try and catch her breath. Suddenly it goes dark and she gets back up to turn around seeing one of the most beautiful sights, replacing the lush field was a massive lake which had gorgeous lights at the other end that reflected upon the water. Chihiro smiles brightly, her first proper smile in years as she cries out but in joy this time.

"Yes!! I knew it!! I knew I wasn't crazy!! I'm here, I'm really here..I'm home!!" Chihiro laughs and starts to run through restaurant district in excitement taking in all the things she used to see back when she was a kid,  the lights, the numerous shadow spirits that ate and wandered around the streets.

Suddenly, it dawned on her as she looked down at her hands and sure enough, she was going see-through 'oh no! I completely forgot!' she begins to look around at the shops in uncertainty 'what should I do?? think Chihiro think... I cant just take the food without asking otherwise Yubaba might turn me into a pig just like she did to my parents all those years ago, but what if I ask?? what am I saying if memory serves me right they would just turn me away because I'm human.. but what choice do I have?? '

Chihiro began to run to each restaurant and politely asks for food but they all turned her away and said she was stinking up their restaurants 'dang it i should of known this wasn't going to be easy' the only reason why she didn't disappear last time was thanks to Haku who gave her what looked to be some sort of berry, looking down at her hands again she could see that she was in trouble. She needed to find someone that would hopefully recognize her and she immediately thought the bathhouse...

"Lin and Kamaji!!' she yells out to herself she bolts in the direction of the bathhouse as she chanted "please remember me, please remember me".

Suddenly she skids to a halt seeing that there was a traffic of customers for the bathhouse crossing the bridge, as she waits she fidgets around nervously until one of the spirits stopped to turn and face her. He was quite a large spirit with what looked to be an upside down bowl of salad on his head, he seemed so familiar and then she sees him bow at her and motions her to come with him..finally she remembers 'the radish spirit!'. She bows back showing that she acknowledges him and like last time it seems he plans on helping her noticing the trouble she was in, with one of his big chubby hands well that is she thinks that it's his hand, he presses it on her forehead ignoring all the other spirits who were walking around him in annoyance and giving him glares.

However, she soon realizes, 'wait can't they see me?' now realizing that they cant she looks up at the radish spirit who gives out somewhat of a chuckle and winks at her motioning her to join the line again, smiling up at him she joins in and sticks close to him and lets him watch over her. As they begin to get closer the bridge she suddenly hears a voice in her head.

"It has been a long time sen, it's me the radish spirit I'm just letting you know that the spell I placed on you will only last for another 5 minutes. the spell I placed on you was to mask your smell so they don't suspect you of being human. do you have a clear vision of where you need to go and I'm sorry but I can only talk telepathically" the radish spirit looks down at her and Chihiro nods to answer his question.

SPIRITED AWAY: CHIHIRO RETURNSWhere stories live. Discover now