Haku's Compromise

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Chihiro P.O.V

After Shigeru got back they started the fire and sat around it in awkward silence, with the most recent drama and reunion out of the way they began to chat and enjoy each others company, well kind of...Haku and Shigeru were kind of ignoring each other. Eating some of the food that they borrowed from Zeniba's, she listened to Shigeru as he said he wasn't hungry and began to explain the short adventure he had in the woods. Shigeru went on about how he met a pretty owl spirit in the woods by hunting after the same prey by accident. Chihiro winces at the image of him sinking his teeth into a poor innocent animal and eating it raw...even though she knows that it was only natural with him being a fox and all...but it still made her kind of sad. Then she wonders what Haku eats in his dragon form...suddenly she accidentally imagines him doing the same thing, making a shiver run down her spine, she loves him but she knows she has to remember that he is still a dragon after all, and in the mythology books that she read dragons are known to be carnivorous too...

'Oh god..he doesn't eat animals raw too does he?' she thinks to herself looking at her precious Haku curiously only to find him looking at her and Shigeru, a serious expression covering his face and for a few seconds she even thought she saw a hint of jealousy in him... her heart leaped as she tried to hide a small smile at the fact that Haku is capable of getting jealous over her.

However, in all seriousness, he has nothing to be jealous over, Shigeru was just her friend, and with Haku's most recent promotion in relationship status, this made Shigeru her best friend but that's just it, friends. She also read that dragons were quite possessive...she admits it, whilst going crazy over her dreams she did a little research...it made her feel like she wasn't going nuts and that there could be a logical explanation for them...

She won't deny that the thought of Haku being possessive was amusing and wouldn't mind it honestly, however, she just hopes he wasn't too possessive...she loves him but even she has a limit to how much jealousy and possessiveness she could handle. Suddenly, Haku spoke up disrupting Shigeru during his story who now grimaces in annoyance at Haku, they clearly didn't get along with each other very well...

"What were you two thinking?...Going out on your own? Trying to find a goddess that may or may not exist?? How long has this been planned for Chihiro?" he asks her firmly.

Chihiro looks down and then looks guiltily into the fire "Ummm... well... a bit after you flew away the first time, Lin found me and told me about the folktale...so um...since then I guess..." she explains shyly feeling his piercing gaze on her.

"And you didn't think to tell me??" he says his fists balling into fists as he looks into the fire also, trying to calm himself "Do you have any idea how worried I was when I came back to find you missing? On top of that Yubaba put an amnesia spell on everyone in the bathhouse so when I asked where you were they had no clue who you were and thought I was crazy... and when I found a letter addressed from Lin which I assume she wrote before she lost her memories, it spoke of the guardian that was coming after you... I was so scared Chihiro... I...I know during your stay here so far I wasn't there for you much...and when I was I did nothing but hurt you and I'm so sorry...but you still should have told me...You could have told me in the elevator you know" he explains warring with his emotional state trying to remain composed.

"H..Haku... I promise you I was going to tell you, but like you said you weren't around much...so I waited and I waited, but after you flew off the second time you didnt come back, and eventually it was too late, I knew I had to tell someone, so I told Shigeru...and he offered his services to me" she explains looking at the fox spirit fondly and she messes his hair softly and the 10-year-old giggles and smiles fondly to me and then smugly to Haku pleased at his advantage over him, noticing this Chihiro hit the back of his head.

SPIRITED AWAY: CHIHIRO RETURNSWhere stories live. Discover now