The Kohaku River

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Chihiro P.O.V

The next morning she awakes to an empty bed, the other side left cold from where Haku had been laying, suddenly the smell of scrambled eggs and bacon didn't escape her nose as she restrains from salivating all over grannies nice pillow, she groans as her stomach rumbles in response to the food. She hasn't had bacon in so long, she longs to taste the rich, oily and slightly crunchy heaven in her mouth, finally unable to take it anymore she kicks off her blanket and rises from her bed with a stretch before making her way into the dining room. She walks in to find No-face setting the table whilst Granny slaved away hunching over the small stove, she could hear the sizzling of the bacon and she begins to salivate again, however, she couldn't help but notice that Haku was nowhere to be seen. 

She walks up to Zeniba to see if she needs help, however she couldn't help but notice the already cooked crispy bacon on a big serving plate, she couldn't help but eye it off hungrily, she wonders if granny would notice if she just taste tested a know just to make sure they were okay, not that she is saying that granny cant cook because by the looks of it she definitely can, it looks like she's trying to feed an army for Christ sake! Coming up next to her trying to subtlely bring the hand closest to the plate closer if she could just snag one piece, just one piece...suddenly Zeniba laughs out of nowhere making her jump.

"Haha, I wouldn't be thinking of taking any bacon if I were you, You can wait just like everyone else, you may be my favourite granddaughter, but that doesn't exclude you from applying proper manners" she scolds lightheartedly, eyes twinking I amusement at her poor attempt.

She sighs and goes and sits at the table along with Noface "Hey No-face? Have you seen Haku?" she asks the demon.

"Uh uh.." he replies and gestures to outside.

"He is outside?" she says confused at what he was trying to say.

"Uh uh," He says again gesturing outside and then to the sky "uh uh"

"Oooh...he went for a fly?" she asks and then No-face nods in confirmation.

As if the timing couldn't get any better the winds outside picked up rattling the windows, Haku was back, she quickly gets up and answers the door before he even had a chance to knock. When she opened it she was greeted by a suspiciously gleeful windblown haired dragon, his eyes shone when he saw her answer and gave her a jaw-dropping smile.

 "Goodmorning love," he says pulling her close to give her a quick kiss before walking past her to head into their room "you go ahead and eat, I've already eaten so ill pack our stuff and get us ready to leave okay?"

"Umm...okay??" she says as she makes her way to the dining table and sits down as granny placed the food on the table, she shares a glance with granny who was also a little stunned by Haku's behaviour and then gives her a knowing and mischievous smile.

"Well... I see someone woke up on the right side of the river this morning...that boy is as excited as a child on what you humans call it...Christmas?" she says giving her a wink "Oh thats right your suppose to be going to his river today arnt you...well no wonder he is excited, however, he is probably nervous also, the poor guy couldnt sleep a wink here last night, so he said he was going to his river to sort out a few things...however when I asked what he would be up to, he acted really suspiciously...he said that he was just doing maintanace, however I wasn't born yesterday chihiro... besides he failed to hide his blushing face though I could tell he tried..." she explains in her ear quietly causing her to blush furiously making granny laugh "I hope you understand what you are in for my dear, mating is very sacred to dragons and they have very primal natures by instinct and have their own way of doing things, just make she he isnt too rough with you okay sweetie, dragons are alot stronger than humans are..."

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