Zeniba's Plot

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Inspector Shinkai P.O.V

After a fun, nice, relaxing time at the bathhouse, he finally reached Yubaba's so-called sister's cottage in Swamp Bottom, on his way here he had already sent his first report out to his boss, the leader of the guardians. Now all he has to do is wait whilst he continues his search for the human fugitive for their verdict on what Yubaba's and Zenibas punishment would be, he heard that Zeniba was the nice one of the two, such a shame really because judging from the recent smell of human in the air he could tell the human female was definitely here. His guess that Zeniba would lose her powers and Yubaba would probably lose her bathhouse...as well as her powers along with it if it wasn't for that spell she pulled she could have gotten a lighter punishment...she only made things worse for herself.

'Yeah that seems about right' he thinks to himself as he knocks on the door of the old cottage, and to his surprise, a shadowy figure wearing a mask answered the door, suddenly it sunk into him that he was No-face. He became alert and ready to defend himself yet still portrayed his calm and collected demeanour as he walks in noticing the No-faces unease but it still beckoned him to sit at the table. 

'Huh? Isn't he going to eat me? No-face is an evil spirit that eats people using their greed isn't he?' he thinks to himself as he finally hears a kind yet strained voice called out from the kitchen, on top of that he smells the fresh delicious smell of freshly baked cookies and tea.

"Don't worry he won't eat you, he may use to be known as an evil spirit but that name, fortunately, doesn't apply to him anymore. Now he stays with me and helps me with designs and has even learnt how to sow. He wouldn't hurt a fly unless it is in self-defence" Zeniba explains to him as she arrives out from the kitchen setting down a big plate of fresh hot cookies and tea down on the table.

"Please help yourself," she says gesturing to them as she sits opposite to him at the table "Now how may I help you today? It's not every day that I get one of the great guardians knocking on my door" she says.

"Thank you but I must decline the cookies, you see I'm on a diet... I need to keep this handsome body in shape for the ladies after all. Besides I am not here to eat cookies and play silly games...I'm more interested in the fact that your house is filled with human stench...which is quite the coincidence considering I'm actually looking for one right now,  care to explain this?" he says with a sly smile, sensing that the tea was not laced with magic he takes a sip.

"Very well, I will explain everything but all I ask is that you keep an open mind and promise not to hurt her" Zeniba sighs, knowing she has no chance of winning against him in any way, she does the opposite of Yubaba and explains things truthfully, which surprised him.

"Very well, I will try to keep an open mind and you do not need to fear our job is to keep the peace between worlds not to start one. I have no intention of hurting the girl, she just doesn't belong here and I am just going to send her back home with a stronger amnesia spell...as you know it is the way it has to be" he explained to her "you seem like a trustworthy lady so I feel no need to pick your mind besides knowing if your lying would be enough" he adds, as he watches the witch bow in respect and then she began to explain things.

"The human you speak of is a lovely girl called Chihiro, as you have probably noticed by now she is quite well loved by most of the spirits around here, she is a good, gorgeous and kind young lady. In all honesty, if it wasn't for the law I reckon you would probably quite like her..." she says piquing his interest in the young female. So far she hasn't lied which is good which also means she wasn't lying about this humans beauty.

'Well at least that answers what I pleaded before I came here' he thinks to himself as the kind witch continues.

"Chihiro came back here not too long ago, apparently she stayed in the bathhouse for a while and helped out around there. She absolutely adores the spirit world and everyone she has met in it, she see's it as her home. The poor girl is in quite a situation, she told me she feels like she doesn't belong in the human world anymore and that it isn't healthy for her to be their anymore...she told me everything...she came here when she was 10 years old by accident and left forgetting her time here but somehow she slowly broke the amnesia spell, and it was causing her to go insane, her own parents wanting to put her in an institution because she was losing touch with reality it was affecting everything around her and everything she did.  So she came back here, apparently, she has tried numerous times but only this time had the spirit world ever shown itself to her, and she of her own free will took this as her only chance to save herself and wants to live her life here. I will not stop you I know I cant but please I beg of you, let her stay... I also believe that she can truly belong here, I see her as my own granddaughter in a way...not only that but she was the one who turned No-face into the good spirit he is today. She has a pure heart and isn't like most humans, she respects the earth and I think she is ashamed of what her kind has been doing to the spirits and the environment" suddenly the witch sighs "She is even willing to risk her life in order to sacrifice everything she ever knew...her humanity. She came to me wanting information, on how to find the goddess of life, based on the old folktale to become a spirit. I told her it wasn't possible that it was just a tale and was too dangerous. I even tried to trick her into staying here, however, when I woke up she was no longer here her bed wasn't even touched...and now I have no idea where she is right now...she is a good person though, so please keep an open mind, I know it's your job but please have mercy on the poor girl" Zeniba explains to him.

SPIRITED AWAY: CHIHIRO RETURNSWhere stories live. Discover now