Secrets Unveiled

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Haku P.O.V

Haku looks at her confused as she explained, he didn't know what to think. Why couldn't she tell him this until now? How come she couldn't trust him enough to show this side of her, most of all how come all this time she could be herself around that fox and not him?...He didn't know if he should be hurt or angry...suddenly Chihiro's awkward, shaky, nervous voice caught his attention her words piercing his heart.

"I'm so sorry Haku... I promise you it isn't you...I love you more than anyone and anything, it's just that I was afraid...afraid to show you how much I changed, afraid that you wouldn't like me anymore if you truly knew the new me. Yes, the old me that you knew back then is still there but I'm not that little girl anymore Haku, I grew up, my personality had changed over the years and I saw how you reacted to Shigeru and how he is...and...he was right you know... I am more like him than you think...although not as bad as him...sorry I was actually eavesdropping back then..." she says her voice trailing off.

"The truth is, it was my idea to steal food from granny, it was my idea to break out, just like Shigeru I am cunning, devious, sarcastic, stubborn, mischievous, I will use underhanded tricks to get what I want I already did with Yubaba and Boh, I used Boh Haku, in order to get what I wanted I used my dear friend then threatened and faced Yubaba... and lets just say we aren't exactly on good terms. In all honesty, I can be a total... let's just say depending on the situation,  I'm not a very nice person. I was so worried that if you knew this side of me you wouldn't love me anymore...please don't hate me...though I will understand if you do..." she explains to him, her head down and her arms shaking with her hands in fists on her thighs, it was obvious that this was hard for her to tell him...

He sighs and then rubs his temples trying to sort through his complicated feelings on the matter...he wished she had more faith in him, he was a little hurt, however, he can see her side of things as well, she was right he didn't like Shigeru  at all, and he understands that seeing him react to something that she was actually familiar with would probably make her worry about telling him...The Chihiro he is used to was indeed the old one but even he knew she had changed...and they even talked about getting to know each other all over again...but...honestly he used to think that Chihiro didn't have a bad bone in her body, which was probably naive on his part...

"Haku...please say something..." she says pleadingly.

He looks into her eyes, and he sees her longing for his understanding "Chihiro...why? Did you have so little faith in my love for you? I do understand, I promise you I do...I'm just a little hurt that you...." he sighs and looks into her eyes as guilt struck her beautiful features, he scoots closer to her and puts his hand over hers.

 "Chihiro, did you really think me knowing something like this would make me feel any different about you? I told you, you are my mate, the mate that I choose to be with no matter what. Yes, I'm shocked, I used to think that you didn't have a bad bone in your entire body...But I'm no saint either Chihiro, as you know I have been around a long time compared to you, I've done things, even before I met you or was Yubaba's puppet, I too have secrets that I am afraid to tell you for the same will take me some time for me to adjust to this part of you...but its okay Chihiro, don't be afraid of showing me your dark side, I want to know and love all of you..."

"Even though it means you will probably get angrier and annoyed at me from now on?...I kinda get that reaction from people...but I do promise you I'm not as bad as Shigeru, he does it to everyone he practically has it permanently glued to him, I only show it when im annoyed or upset, and if I don't like someone I'd be a bit nasty to them, and I won't deny I tend to make snide comments every now and then like Shigeru does... although aparently according to him he really likes that part of me, he said I have a raging fire that isnt meant to be contained, or well something like that anyway" she says awkwardly.

SPIRITED AWAY: CHIHIRO RETURNSWhere stories live. Discover now