Facing Yubaba

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Chihiro has asked Kamaji for a pen and a small piece of paper so she could write her name on it, she knows she will need it to remember her name because Yubaba was still stealing peoples names to control them. After she was done writing she realizes there posed another issue which was her smell. If everyone found out about her they would probably chase her out of the bathhouse especially if they didn't recognize her, unless they do recognize her but she doubt's it, it has been 7 years after all and she has gotten older, as if Kamaji was a mind reader he hands her a bottle of liquid.

"Take this and drink it human, I made it so you didn't smell too much of a human, just be careful though and don't get too close to anyone otherwise they might notice" he explains.

"S..so I just drink this?" Chihiro asks.

"That is what I said human" he replies.

Looking down at the liquid she opens the lid and almost gags 'oh god it smells awful...and I have to drink this??' she then blocks her nose with her other hand 'whelp here it goes' she thinks to herself as she chugs on the foul liquid.

It was beyond foul she didn't know what Kamaji put in this but she felt like she was going to be sick, she resisted the urge to throw her guts up and finishes the bottle. Suddenly she began to heave and puts a hand to her mouth 'oh god I think I'm really going to be sick' she thought as she continued to resist and re-swallowed whatever it was that was going back up her throat. A few minutes later she began to feel okay again and she hopes that she never has to drink that ever again, Chihiro takes off her shoes and her socks and puts them in her bag and putting her bag over her shoulders she says a quick goodbye to Kamaji who was busy with dealing with 5 herbal soap tokens at once as she exits through the same sliding door that Lin went through earlier.

When she closed the door she got up and started walking forward and looks up at all the lifts that were going up and down the height of the bathhouse. Chihiro was pretty sure she remembered the way to get to Yubaba's office but only vaguely, she goes into one of the lifts and pulls the lever.

'If memory serves me well I should take this lift until it doesn't go any higher and then get off there and then get on the other lift on the other side of that level, then after that I take that lift all the way up to Yubaba's...' she recalls.

The lift suddenly stops on one of the levels 'oh no... please whoever you are...don't smell me' Chihiro pleaded to herself, the sliding doors opened but she couldn't see anyone until she heard a gasp and then a croak as she looked down she saw Aogaeru the same frog that made her take a surprised breath when Haku tried to help her to cross the bridge the first time. Aogaeru was just staring wide-eyed about to freak out until Chihiro quickly grabbed him and pulled him inside, pulling the lever with one hand and holding the frog in the other the doors closed and they began to go back up. Releasing the frog he immediately jumped away from her.

"You...you're the human everyone was looking for earlier! You shouldn't be here!" he was going to continue on ranting but she interrupted him.

"Aogaeru! It's me Chihiro!" she tries to explain to him but he didn't get it.

"How do you know my name human!? And I know no one with that name!" he retorted.

'Of course... most people here know me as Sen!' Chihiro backtracks.

"Aogaeru! It's me Sen! I know I'm a lot taller and older now and a bit more girlish but it really is me, I helped you get out of no face remember?? No wait technically her threw you up but you should get what I mean..." explained Chihiro.

Aogaeru was now silent looking up at her in disbelief as we continued to go up in the lift as she continued explaining " I'm on my way to see Yubaba to get my old job back".

SPIRITED AWAY: CHIHIRO RETURNSWhere stories live. Discover now