Chapter 2 Joinig The Literature Club

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Your POV

I stood there embarrassed and in confusion as I didn't know what to do as the girls approached me. "Well are you just gonna stand there or what?" A pink haired girl said. "Natsuki! Don't be mean! Sorry don't mind her.Im Monika, The Literature Club President!" She said as she stuck out her hand in which I shook and said my,she was at least 4 inches taller than me.She seemed smart, beautiful, trustworthy, and athletic, which meant she was completely out of my league.

The next one who introduced herself was another tall girl around 1/2 inch taller than me."H-hi...I'm Y-Yuri." She seemed like the girl who liked to hide in her shell and be alone for most of the time, she was probably smart too."So Your our new member huh?" Natsuki asked me. "Uhh....I haven't really decided wether or not if I'm joining...yet.." I said with shame as the girls looked confused.I then started."Sayori wanted me to join a club and she suggested her club which would be The Literature Club....even though I don't read or write..." "~Sure you do! You read Manga!!" Said Sayori which I really didn't want anybody knowing, but before I could turn around to Sayori I noticed that Natsuki perked up. "Sayori!!" Don't say that!How did you know anyway!?"

"~Hehe you shouldn't hide them under your bed!" She said while slightly laughing.I could feel the blood rush to my face when I heard Monika's voice."You read Manga?" She said partly giggling, i turned around and said. "*sigh*....yes" "Do you read anything else or what kind of books do you like to read Y/N" I liked a lot of different types of Literature some I wouldn't admit. "Uhh...Adventure, Twist and Turns, Mild Horror, Fanfic's, Fantasy and of course...Manga."I said which Monika asked. "If you read all of tho-HE also likes to write his own Stories!!~" Sayori said while Monika was talking.All of the others looked at me as I said."T-their NOT  m-my stories!" I said while I grabbed my bag and turned to leave, because Sayori just won't keep her mouth shut and was sharing "personal information".I heard Sayori and Monika call after me as I closed the door, and walked down the hallway.

Half way down I felt a hand on my shoulder as whoever it was turned me around. "What!?" I said kinda harshly to the person which was Sayor,...great. "What do you want?" "W-why did you leave...." "You were saying stuff that I don't want others to find out about and it was personal,.....but that wouldn't matter to you." I said while I turned around ready to leave again, but I felt her hug me from behind and I felt her arms wrap around me in one swift move.

"I-I'm sorry..,I didn't mean to s-say that stuff.I was just excited to have you as a new member a-and I just wanted them to k-know how good you are at L-lite-rature. I'm sorry...."She said as you felt your back start to feel wet,you soon realized that she was crying, which caused you to turn around and wrap your arms around her."I'm sorry I got mad at you and stormed out Sayori...I'm sorry." You said as you used part of your jacket to wipe her tears."It's f-fine...., But are going to join the club?" You still we're trying to decide wether or not, but you didn't want to upset Sayori so you said."Alright....I'll join your club Sayori." "YES!!" She said while you and her walked back into the room.

Natsuki's POV

After Sayori went off to go get Y/N, the rest of us just waited which left Yuri and Monika to chat while I had time to think our new member.They did seem like the shy kind of guy, he is pretty handsome and slim kinda like me, but the reason why I'm slim is for a completely different reason.....He also seems to like Manga which filled me with joy to find out that I'm not the only one, and he writes his own stories.Ill have to ask about the Manga part though later.

"What's taking them so long!" I said in a impatient tone. "Be patient Nat, Sayori probably trying to convince him to stay..." Yuri said, but I was still a little skeptical. "Don't call me by my nickname.....!"I said.

After about 3 minutes of us just waiting they both walked back in, I looked at the clock and saw that it was already 5:37 and we have to leave at 5:50.I really wanted to ask Y/N about the Manga part but it seemed that would have to be put on hold until tomorrow.

"So What have you decide Y/N?~" Monika asked a little curious and I could tell that Yuri was also curious and......a little anxious? "I've decide to join the Literature Club." "That's GREAT!~" Monika said in a happy and sweet tone, she probably already had something Y/N, personally I just want know about the writing his own stories and what kind of Manga books or series he has read yet.After properly greeting each other we all sat down and started talking,Sayori and Monika were chatting while Yuri had her head buried in a book, I saw that Y/N was at a separate desk, but I couldn't tell wether he was reading or writing,I got up and started walking towards him, I was peeking over his shoulder and saw that he was.....writing?

"What are writing there?" I asked.He seemed a little taken back because he quickly tried covering up whatever he was writing. "Uhh..Nothing!" "Oh c'mon let me see!" "No!" I really wanted to see what he was writing and I knew one way to get it out of him. "Hmm..oh well, looks everybody is going to know that you like Manga..." I said in a teasing tone. "Says the one who also reads Manga and has a whole series about it!!" He said almost as if he knew that I liked Manga! "How did you know!!" I asked as blood rushes to my face and as I turned around to face him.

"OK everyone lets start getting ready to leave!" Monika said aloud which made all of the others start to pack up." I know a Manga lover when I see one..." He said with a smirk as he headed for Sayori while started to pack up. "Remember to write a poem for tomorrow so everyone can share, have a good day.With that settled I started heading toward the door not excited to go home....

Another wonderful chapter done and things are going to start picking up in the next one too, and finally someone else's POV for once. Yeah guys I'll try get another one out by Friday and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!Bye!

Reader x Natsuki Book 1(Doki Doki Literature Club)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum