Chapter 7 The Bundle Of Sunshine

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Alright guys I'm back and with me another chapter!!I really hope you enjoy this one as it's pretty sad and good at the same time.....

*WARNING*Mention of Suicide, Self Harming, And Depression!!WILL BE IN THIS CHAPTER!

Your POV

I sat there.Just outside of the hospital room which was occupied by Sayori who had tried to kill herself.If it wasn't for me then she would be gone.Her and my parents were called and were immediately set up with a therapist, as for me.I was issued a therapist as well, Her parents had been thanking me ever since they left to go and get some food while I wait with her.

The doctors had given me a device that was connected to another device which allowed me to hear anything in her room, or see.I then checked on her and noticed that she had been crying, so I got up and slowly walked in.She was a mess, she had tear stains all over her face and she had stitches on her wrist which were being held down by a restraint along with her legs.I sat down beside her and was about to say something when she interrupted me.

"I know what you're going to ask me,...why did I do it...."Her voice was no longer filled with joy, just pain, and anger...."Well?" "I....just wanted the pain to end.....I did it for multiple reasons....." "What were those reasons?I asked her in a soft and cautious tone."Because of what Monika and some other girls told me...." "And what did they say?"I said as anger started to build up in my throat."You should know...." "What do you mean?" "I was chatting with Monika, Natsuki, and Yuri.....we had somehow started talking about you."

At this point I was hoping that what I was speculating wasn't true..."Natsuki had started talking about how she liked you, and how she was impressed by you skill of writing and how....."She trailed off as her parents came in with food, I got up and let them talk to their daughter as I said that I would talk to Her tomorrow and left....

The Next Day

I had just finished my homework from yesterday, my mind was clouded with what had happened and what I had found out about Natsuki....She likes me....

I wasn't able to go to school until I felt better about what had happened and to make sure that I wasn't going to do any thing suicidely....Like I was planning on to.I went done stairs, made myself breakfast and ate while watching something on my IPad, my video was interrupted by a notification.I clicked on the Notification and saw a video beside it, and that it was a reminder that this week was Sayori's birthday....I then clicked on the video.

It showed me and Sayori messing around and being childish as we laughed, I couldn't help but smile and chuckle, as tears started to flow down my face.I just cried as I had almost lost my friend, that childish and joyful personality was gone and was now replaced with a Empty shadow filled with pain, grief, regret, and sorrow....I kept crying as I felt my mom hug me from behind.

I was currently at the store waiting for my mom to come back with the groceries when an idea popped into my head, I could get Sayori a birthday present.I told my mom as she came back and went to go look for a present, I continued to scan the aisles as I couldn't find anything.Until my eyes came upon something that I knew Sayori would love.I grabbed the item and went back to my mom, once my mom say what I got her, even she was surprised.We checked out and started to head home.

Once we got home, we unloaded the groceries and went inside.I went upstairs and got into my pajamas and went to bed.

2 Weeks Later

It has been a whole 2 weeks since I went to school or even been in contact with my friends or Monika, Yuri, or Natsuki.I've still been going to my therapist and recently I've been acting like my regular self and so has Sayori, sort of.She's been ok, except she's still under surveillance by the doctors and her therapist.I still keep visiting her and I even showed her the birthday video of us when we were younger, I'm still waiting until she's better and is able to leave the hospital, although I still don't have the full story if what drove Sayori to try and take her own life.

Other than that, I'm actually able to go to school today.Im just wondering this week has in store for.I thanked my mom for dropping me off at school and as I'm walking I see a banner hanging above the doors.I was actually excited to go to the event.Up on the banner it said.


Alright guys sorry that this chapter was short I was kinda running out of ideas for this chapter, and get ready for the main event in the next 4 chapters.Not only do we get to see the festival, Natsuki's Dad, Sayori, a fight between 2 people, something special happen and more....See you in the next chapter!!

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