Chapter 3 The Pink haried Girl

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Ahh...another wonderful chapter that involves anime,romance, and depression.

Your POV

I was walking home with Sayori while we were chatting.She kept telling me how everyone was really glad that I stayed and decided to join. "~Even YURI was glad that you stayed, which is uncommon for her to be happy." "What do you mean?" "Oh! It's just that Yuri usually doesn't like other people and just likes to be by herself.Or it means that she likes you!?" Oh god no, I do not need this today. "Uhh....Yuri seems like she isn't my type...." "Hmm.....How about Monika!?" "Why are you suddenly asking me who I like?" I say in between fits of laughter. "I just think that you and one of the others would be cute as a couple!~"

"Well I don't think I'll be dating anytime soon Sayori." I said with a Laugh. "How about Natsuki?~" "What do you mean?" "~You two would be Perfect together!" "I don't know about that and besides I'm trying to focus more on grades.Not trying to get a girlfriend!" I say while laughing and blushing.

We arrived that her house a little later, I do have to admit that it was a pretty big house.Im guessing that she either has brothers or sisters."Bye Sayori!"I say while waving my hand. "~Bye Y/N!" With that done I start heading back home while thinking about what Sayori had said.I didn't think too Musca of it and just kept walking.

After about 5 minutes of walking I finally arrived at my house, I walked up the front porch, opened the door, and walked.

I had just changed into my pajamas and was about to go to sleep when I remembered that I had to write a poem for tomorrow.I sighed, sat up, and slumped into my seat while trying to think of something to write about.A couple of minutes go by with me trying to think of something until I finally decided to write something.

(I'm not good at poems so I decided to write this.)

Hero's aren't fearless
Hero's are brave
Bravery requires Fear
And Fear is born of loving
Something enough
That's it's loss would break you....

-Y/-0111001010 file not found

With that done I turned around and plopped onto my bed and fell asleep.
*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*
I awoke to that horrible sound of my alarm clock going off signaling me that a new day has began and that there are things to do.I groan while turning over to my side to remove my covers, I then get up and prepared for the morning. After breakfast I start to head out for school. "~WAIT!" I hear a familiar voice yell at me as I'm walking towards the gate of our school.I turn around to see Sayori slowing down to a stop trying to catch a breath.

"Again I don't mind waiting." I say to her as she fixes herself then says. "~I know but I had do something this morning, then I was debating on wether or not if I shou....." She seemed to have stopped herself as if she realized she was about to say something that I wasn't supposed to know or hear about.I decided not to press her to tell me and with that we walked of into school....

Once again me and Sayori were walking towards the Literature Club, after walking up a few stairs we make it to the classroom.We walk in to see Monika sitting at one of the front desk while Yuri was reading a book, and Natsuki was over in the closet."Oh!Hi Y/N!Im so glad you didn't change your mind!~"She said in a sweet tone.I talked with Monika and Sayori for a little while until I heard a big thud and a frustrated groan, I turned around to hear it come from the closet.I got up and walked over to closet leaving Monika and Sayori to chat by themselves.

"UGHH!!" I heard another groan as I walked inside the closet to see a pretty big box with a bunch of Manga near it all over the floor."Need any help?"I said as I walked over to her.She seemed a little surprised by my approach."Ughh No!I can do it myself!" She said while trying to pick up all of the books at once, which lead to all of the books she picked up spill onto the floor again.I Chuckled and began to help her.

"So you do read Manga!" I said to her."W-what!No I-I don't!" I laughed and said."Then why were trying to rearrange it then?"I knew I had her corned and I was winning."F-fine!I do r-read Manga!She said as a red blush creeped onto face as she stuttered.It was too cute and i just had to smile."How come your so shy about sharing your Manga?" "Well....I d-don't really have any friends and I'm not close to people tease me for reading Manga, even Monika was kind of a jerk about it.Yuri also somewhat teases me, but not as much."While she was talking she slowly slumped down onto the floor to which I sat by her.

"What about you, huh?" "What do you mean?" "Welll yesterday when you weren't looking I kind of saw and maybe rummaged around your backpack and found Manga....."She said as a smile creeped onto her face."You sneak little-"I said as I playfully and lightly elbowed her side which I think she was ticklish there because she started to laugh."Hahahahaha!" "~Look at you two, y'all are sooo cute!!" We both looked up to see Sayori standing at the door smiling down at us."Aghh!!"Natsuki said as she quickly got up and walked out the closet."Sayori,What I did I say about shipping people yesterday." "~Sorry!"

Natsuki's POV

I walked out of the classroom and towards the bathroom,What Sayori said back there...kind of sounded nice for me and Y/N.Ugghh What I'm I saying, I'm too stubborn to even try and make the first move at that matter.Besides the only thing I know that me and Y/N have in common is reading Manga, and I know for a fact that my dad wouldn't approve.Mainly because of my dad and what he does.......if I was brave enough then I would tell the police but I'm not brave at all.

After I was done using the bathroom I went back into the room, walked over to closet and found Y/N putting up and organizing my Manga series!"You... cleaned up the area and organized my Manga series?!"I asked asked surprised."Well yeah I was t going to let you clean this up by your self!" "Oh,Well thank you."This was something out of my personality but I wanted to thank So I quickly gave him a hug but, when I did I felt like I was safe and this tugging feeling.

"Umm,you can let go now."I didn't realize how long I had stayed like that and so I quickly let go and said."Umm s-sorry!" "Alright everyone it's time to share our poems with someone!~"I heard Monika yell.Y/N then turned towards me and said."Do you want to share our poems?" "Umm, I'll go do exchange with Yuri then you.."Sure!"

After I was done arguing with Yuri about my poem I walked over to Y/N and told them I was ready,We found a desk to sit at and exchanged our poems.

About a minute had passed and I kept reading the poem over and over trying to figure out what it means,I looked up and saw that Y/N was trying not laugh and had a smile plastered on their face."What's so funny!?"I said. "It's just that how can a poem have a deep meaning but is kind of cute at the same time?" "Did you seriously miss the bigger picture!" "Umm No, it's about how all these people or animals can do amazing things when we can only try or give up, I think that's the deeper meaning."

I was amazed that how quick he got the deeper meaning, Yuri didn't at all she just thought it was cute."How did yo-"Well I've had some practice before and, when I mean practice I mean a few years.I was about ask what Y/N about their poem but I heard Monika yell that it was time to go."Y/N is it ok if I can keep this?" "Sure!Bye"I was him walk out with Sayori while I started packing up and thought about one line that stood out.

Bravery requires Fear...

That it's for this chapter guys, another will be out sometime on either Friday.Also to just make something clear I only update once a week but if I'm lucky then twice a week.Bye!!

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