The End...

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So....this is the end of the story, I'm really surprised how fast this story grew and how many people loved it.Im really thankful and appreciative of the people who motivated me to finish this story and kept me going!The story I imagined in my mind was exactly how I imagined it as I wrote this, every chapter I wrote from my heart and the cute little scenes pasted here and there were so good.

I'm really glad about the outcome of this story and how it gave "Natsuki", the not so loved and underrated character some love and a good story.She was personal my favorite character from doki doki Literature Club!

I couldn't have done this without all of y'all as "You", yes, I'm talking to the person who's reading this!Wether you're female, male, bisexual, straight, lesbian, you're the one who motivated me to continue writing my story and made me get up in the morning and looking forward to this story!I love you all and I'm deeply touched that you loved my story looked forward to reading a paper with words on it!

I just want to say, "Thank You" from my heart and that I love you all for the support you showed me and pushed me to write more!The thing I value most from writing this how my words make you feel, thought, think, and felt for the characters and how you laughed or felt sad for fictional characters!

I really hope you'll like any other stories that I might write, I do have a few stories in my mind which I'll list at the end of this!For all of those who stayed, followed, and supported me from chapter 1 or 2!Im really thankful for everyone's love, and support!I love you all!

Here are some ideas I got for some future stories!Tell me which one(s)you would like to see!
Svtfoe-Marco x Janna/A open heart
Svtfoe-Marco x Janna/ The forgotten throne
Gravity falls-Dipper x Pacifica/The two pine cones
Adventure time-Finn x Flame Princess/A burned heart
Adventure time-Finn x huntress wizard/ The wizards wandering eyes
BeyBlade-Gingka x Madoka/The two lovers
Bolt-Bolt x Mittens
Halo Legends-The Twisted Blades
(A rewrite of)FNAF-Foxy x Mangle/Mangled Hearts

This is "The Marble Mations" signing off!See you in my next story!Goodbye!

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