Chapter 12 Lost trust and Friends

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Alright guys I'm back with another chapter filled with worry, regret, and guilt.This one was kinda hard for me to create mainly because I'm trying to figure out how the different routes will go and affect this chapter but I'm managing it.-Also just a little side note, two of the outcomes from the last chapter can actually end this story in the next chapter but thankfully those weren't chosen....

Your POV

I sat there stunned at what I had let happen, I had let my self be violated by Monika to of which I now know what she wants.She wants me to be hers, I got up, cleaned my self up as I looked up to hear the others coming downstairs.I quickly pulled my pants up and went to the bathroom to think.

As I walked to the bathroom I quickly looked at Natsuki as she flashed me a look of question, I locked the bathroom door and sat down on the toilet seat and tried to comprehend on what just happened....

"Why'd I let her do that.....that wasn't right.."Was all I was thinking as another thought flooded into my mind and one that worried me."What if Natsuki finds out, what will she do!She will probably be heartbroken...."I said as I had already known that I had feelings for Natsuki but I still wasn't so sure about Natsuki because she could be letting me do this just as a 'Thank You' for letting her stay here.....No she has to have feelings for me, she has to.....

Monika's POV

As Natsuki and Sayori walked back in to help me and Y/N help bake some food I couldn't help feel as if I had made a huge step in making Y/N mine, I looked at Natsuki saw her chatting with Sayori as they baked.I overlooked Her and saw how unattractive she was, Pink hair, short, A tough attitude, A Manga lover, and from my point of view I would just consider her to be flat....

A little while passed until Y/N came back and started to just bake."Y/N are you alright, you seem pretty quiet?"Natsuki asked Y/N.He looked over at me and I smirked while he said."Umm....yeah I'm fine, I'm just a little stressed because of everything that's been happening."It seemed that Natsuki must have bought that excuse because she just went back to baking and chatting with Sayori.

After hours of working on the food it was already going to be 9:30 which made all of us ready to go home, we had gotten about 30 dozens of Sweets done , and about a 20 to 40 chips ready to be served, all that was left was the Burgers, Hotdogs and some chicken.As me and Sayori were picked up By our moms I looked at Y/N and blew him a kiss to which he just turned his head away and walked off back into the house.

"Is that your new boyfriend hunny?!"My mom asked me to which I said."No, but in just one more day he will be...."I said as we drove off and I had a smirk on my face.

Your POV

I walked back into the house as a feeling of guilt overtook me."I feel so dirty for letting her do that to me...." "Letting her do what Y/N?"I heard Natsuki say as she came up to me."It's nothing...."I said as I walked over to the kitchen to get me something to eat then I was going to bed."Tell me now Y/N, Please."She said in a stern voice.I said no as I walked up stairs while eating a cupcake, once I got in my room I heard Natsuki say."Y/N trust goes both ways and I need to know if this will affect you badly, please tell now!" "Fine!While you and Sayori were upstairs, Monika pinned me to floor by sitting on my legs and jerked me off against my will....I'm sorry..."

Natsuki's face was shocked but soon she spoke."I don't blame and I'm not mad at you because....Monika threaten to hurt me if i were to get closer to you and she somewhat messed with me another time...."I could see that Natsuki was ashamed of keeping this to herself just like but it seemed like she was going to cry."Why didn't you tell me sooner?I would've handled it for you." "I-I was worried t-that you would get mad at me and-"She stopped mid-sentence and started crying."Natsuki, don't ever be afraid to tell me anything, I'll always be here for you....."I said in a soothing tone as picked her up bridly style and laid her on my bed as I comforted her as we fell asleep.....

Reader x Natsuki Book 1(Doki Doki Literature Club)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin