Chapter 11 Baking and Drama

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Hey guys I'm here with another chapter, now this chapter will be holding a surprise which will be important later on in the story and I will warn you that there somewhat a lemon scene so yeah, enjoy!!
*Mature Content*


Your POV

I woke to the sound of my alarm clock going off as I quickly shut if off and looking down at Natsuki, who had fallen asleep clinging to my side with a book held to her chest.She had spent about an hour last night reading the first manga book I had bought her, I'm really glad she liked it because it appears that she was already half way done with it."Natsuki wake up."I said as she opened one eye."Do I have to get up....."She said in sleepy tone, to which I responded with."Yes, c'mon I'll make you blue berry pancakes."At this she perked up and went to go shower, we would take turns showering throughout the week.

After Giving Natsuki her pancakes I sat down and we started to chat a little."So today we gotta prepare the food for the festival." "Ughh, that's going to be a hassle!"Natsuki said while I lightly laughed and said."Well at least well have today and tomorrow to get it all ready." "Yeah that's true."Natsuki said while I put up the dirty dishes and got our things for school.

While walking I had remembered that Sayori would be able to come back today so why not let her walk with us and offer if she wants to help us with the food, after getting to to her house and  knocking twice the door was opened by Sayori."Hey Sayori!!"I said excitedly as I hugged her while I felt her hug me back just as tight."Nice to see you again Sayori!" "Hey Y/N and Natsuki." "Do you want to walk with us to school?"I asked as I already knew the answer."Yeah sure~!"She said excitedly as she got her stuff and we were on our way.

Up until school all three of us chatted but soon went our separate ways, nothing really interesting happen the first 3 periods but I could sense something bad was going to happen.I was getting a textbook from my locker for math when Alexia came up to me."Hey Y/N~!"She said in a flirty tone."Hey Alexia..." "So, are you taking anyone to the dance during the Festival~?"I sighed and said."Not that I know of."I Lied"Hmm....well how about you take me then~?"She said as I felt my stomach drop."Listen Alexia, I'm sorry but No."At this she stormed off as I felt a few stares at me which I ignored and went to class....

Alexia's POV

He thinks he can get rid of me that easily well the you have another thing coming Y/N, I will be the one to go to the Festival with you, All I have to do is get rid of that Ignorant brat "Natsuki",or spice up a few rumors about her.Just one more day until the festival and I will have Y/N to myself and if Natsuki can't the message through Verbally, then I'll just have to give it to her Physical....

Your POV

After that I went to my next class which went fast, so did my other classes although I did overhear a few conversations about friends or couples going to the Festival.Honestly I was getting kind of tired of these conversations...

The sound of the bell entered our ears and signaled everyone that school was over, except for the clubs since were in charge of the Festival.I made my way to the Literature Club which was fairly close but while walking I couldn't help but see a couple of girls look at me and somewhat giggle and then whisper something to there friends.I opened the doors to the Literature Club and the first thing I see is about all of the different club members in the room sitting on chairs in rows while Monika was discussing something with the Other club members leaders.

I sat done next to Natsuki, Yuri, and Sayori and asked."Guys what's happening?" "Monika gathered the other clubs to discuss the progress of the Festival." "Hmm.. makes sense."I said as I relaxed into my chair and pulled out my phone and listened to music while I waited for the Club Members to begin.

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