Chapter 18 A New Day, New Beginnings

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Hey guys sorry that I haven't updated in a while, I'm dealing with school right now and some other personal stuff at school along with all of the pressure on me about the STAAR Test Results, But the time has finally come where Monika get what she deserves for everything she's done and but a new Enemy will be lurking in the shadows as they try to forget what happened and move on....


Your POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off, signaling me to that it was time to get up and face the today....which was something o really didn't want to do.Considering How last night played out.....but I promised that I would fix everything....even if it means costing me my friendship with Monika and possibly the group as well...

I looked down to see Natsuki laying down on me sleeping peacefully as she lightly breathed.I smiled and decided that I would let her sleep for a few more minutes as I gently rubbed her back as I closed my eyes returning back to darkness.

After about an hour or two of sleeping, I woke up and decided to wake Natsuki."Natsuki, it's time to wake up....lI said as I gently nudged her ."C'mon Natsuki...."I said as I nuged her again but only this time, she moved about in her sleep and said."No...."I sighed and said."If you don't get up Natsuki....then I'll do this..."I said as I reached my hand down her side and gently tickled her but carefully as I was still fully aware of her injured stomach.She laughed at this but still didn't get up, but only turned a little to the side so I couldn't reach her side.I smiled and quickly reached to her other side and began to tickle her as she tossed a little laughing."AhhAhh!~S-top!Agh~Ahh~!!"She said as she tossed and turned trying to evade my assault as she laughed.

"Are you going to get up?"I said in a playful tone as I stopped and allowed her a second to look at me."Nooooo~!"She said as she tried to catch my hands as I caught hers instead and said."Alright then!"I said as I switched our positions to where I was on top and she was on bottom, face to face, chest to chest.I then playful pinned her hands above her head and began to tickle her repeatedly as she wiggled and tried to escape."Stop!~Ahhh!~Ahhh!~S-stop!~"She said as she continued to laugh as I tickled her sides."I-I'm going t-to PEE!!~"She said as I stopped tickling her and let her catch her breath as she laid there panting.

My face was inches away from hers, after she caught her breath and a couple of seconds passed while it seemed that we were both memorized by each other's eyes.I leaned down and met her lips with my own as the fresh taste of Delicious Strawberries flowed through my lips causing my knees to go weak as I felt that only she was the only important thing right now.Our kisses weren't like others as we weren't rough kissers nor aggressive or doing it out of lust.....ours was filled with meaning, passion, love, and trust.....

Soon I separated from her to catch our breaths as I realized that I had her hands still pinned above her head which she also seemed to notice as if someone were to walk in on us then it would seem like something Kinky was happening which was something we both weren't ready least until we date for a few months....

We both blushed as I kissed her again but was short as I didn't want to make things awkward as I could already feel myself Hardening at the Kinky idea, but I ignored it.We grabbed our clothes, and I sat on the bed waiting for my turn in the shower as Natsuki closed the Bathroom door.

After me and Natsuki took our showers and ate breakfast I asked her if she wanted to go to the mall."Sure!"She said as we got up and went to go and grab our things.I grabbed my wallet, which felt a little light."I need to start looking for a side job...."I said aloud to myself as I felt my phone buzz again and again, signaling that someone was trying to call me.I took it out and looked at my phone.Monika was calling....I thought wether or not if I should answer...My thumb kept shifting over the Decline or Answer.I made a decision and pressed Decline."What the hell do you want!"I said as I heard Monika's voice on the other side.

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