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If you're emotionally unstable or cannot stand certain things like weakness and mistakes and terrible decisions, I beg that you refrain from reading further. I know that people have a right to their opinions, but you must understand that I do too. I have as much right as you do and I have chosen to write this story, so please choose to respect my right to choose (or make choices.)

I've heard enough complaints about the characters in this book, and I would have taken it down if it didn't take me nearly forever to write. I worked too hard to take this story down. So I beg you, before you get offended and come at me, DON'T READ FURTHER.

Sheffield United Kingdom
March, 1819

"He will keep me here!" Lady Hadassah threw her hands in the air, turning around. The door stood firmly shut behind her, slammed in her face by Lord Hadley after he had given her the devastating news; she wouldn't be presented in court.

Leah felt the weight of Lord's Hadley's news settle upon her shoulders but as she looked at Lady Hadassah, she saw the impact of the news rip hope from the child's eyes, leaving in its wake tears and visible grief.

"He will keep me here! I will serve him for the rest of my miserable life and when he tires of my presence, I will be thrown into the arms of any scum willing to accept me!" The pitch of her voice rose with every word. Her hands flew to her mouth, tears immediately streaming down her face even as she crumbled to her knees on the dirty kitchen floor. "He will keep me here!" She mumbled nonstop as Leah went on her knees with her and pulled her into her arms.

Copyright © 2018 Lily Orevba

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher.

This is a work of fiction belonging to Lily Orevba. Resemblance to places, persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

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