10l Desire

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Daniel ran his tongue over the lower part of his lips, as if by doing so, it would help to moisten his lips and ultimately aid in his argument. But it didn't. He found that he couldn't speak, nor move nor react in any way, to his mother's silly announcement.

Somehow, he had by himself, put himself in this situation that has now succeeded in trapping him.

He stood frozen, recalling the conversation that had taken place only a few minutes ago.

"Marriage to a woman with a fortune to her name will solve this mess." She had argued and he had simply laughed at her argument, fully believing she had been referring to Lady Price. Of course, he made it very clear to his family he wasn't going to end up with the widow, even if she seemed to be the only one in the high class society that was interested in a blind man. He knew her reasons for desiring him and he knew it had nothing to do with love.

"Lady Price is out of the question. Even Lady Price would run away from a marriage that would no longer be of benefit to her. I am being stripped of the title, remember? The widow will find someone suitable to try to trap with her lying and conniving ways."

"I do not speak of Lady Price." Her words surprised him, but only slightly. What other woman was foolish enough to put up with his blindness?

Raising a brow, a coy smile settled on his face. "Pray tell, Mother, who have you managed to convince to wed your poor, blind son?"

"Do not put it that way, Daniel, I'm trying to help."

He reached out then, tapping the chair gently until he found his mother's hand. Giving it an encouraging squeeze, "you have done enough, Mother, do not pity me. A marriage, will not solve this problem for there is no woman, young and rich, foolish enough to bear the burden of my blindness. Perhaps a young peasant girl might have been willing to put up with it, but with Father's decision to strip me of everything and leave me at the mercy of Julius, I'm afraid I will have nothing to bring to the table and even a peasant will refuse to be wed to me."

"You are in doubt of my ability to find a woman, young and rich, willing to get married to you?"

"Very much, Mother." He smiled, certain he had won the argument. At least he was winning in something, even if it was irrelevant compared to the battle with his father he was sure to lose.

He knew quite well that there was nothing he could do about it. He could protest all he wanted, the Earl's decision would be sure to stand; he would be stripped of his birthright and left to wait on his brother for food and a roof over his head.

Releasing his mother's hand, he rose to his feet, frustration settling in his stomach. He had no control, he groaned aloud. He had lost control of his ability to see, to move around the unfamiliarity that laid outside the mansion without help, to live life to the fullest and now, to his birthright.

"Will you marry if I find a willing bride?" His mother's question grated on his nerves.

"Certainly not, Mother! I will not be tied to Lady Price! I might have lost my sight but even you cannot deceive me into marrying her."

He heard her rise to her feet and grab his arm. "I do not speak of Lady Price, Daniel."

He laughed once more, turning to the side where she stood beside him, eyes most likely scanning his face. "If you can find a willing bride, who is not widowed and doesn't have such a poor reputation in society, fine, I will."

Her fingers uncurled from around his arm, a soft sigh following her actions. "It is settled then, you will marry Dasa."

When he didn't speak for a long while, he heard her soft footsteps leaving the room.

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