36l The Luckiest Man

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Hadassah knew her world had come crashing down. Everything she had planned, everything she fought for, everything she tried to keep together, came crashing down the second her uncle poisoned himself. She however didn't know the extent of her misfortune until she heard of her uncle's misdeed and how he had managed to rid her of her family's fortune. No longer was she an heiress who stood to gain wealth at the instance of her coming of age and marriage, she was a commoner in need of her marriage to Daniel to keep a roof over her head and warm food in her belly. To say the least, Lord Hadley had succeeded in ruining her.

Many days went by. Days of anguish and grief, days of trying to think of a solution to the predicament she now found herself in. Life seemed bleak and hopeless with everyday that went by. It didn't matter that Lord Talbot had agreed to let her remain in the estate with Daniel, it didn't matter that the problem of homelessness no longer loomed over their heads. The very thought of having nothing to look forward to and being at the mercy of not only Lord Talbot, but eventually Julius, weakened Hadassah.

Her stomach protested the very thought of Julius, she thought, leaning forward and allowing for the outpouring of her morning coffee on to the carpet beneath her feet. She felt a hand tap her back but didn't bother to glance up, she was exhausted.

“Here.” Leah gently nudged her shoulder until she was leaning heavily against the sofa, a soft sigh of tiredness escaping her lips. “You seem pale.” Leah voice seemed distant even if Hadassah could feel her hand resting on her shoulder. “Perhaps some fresh air would do your lungs some good?”

Hadassah shook her head at the suggestion that she leaves her bedchamber. She dreaded running into Julius...

Yet again, her body jerked forward and what was left of the little breakfast she had that morning, spewed on the carpet. Exhausted, she stayed hunched over the carpet, her hands clutching the fabric around her stomach area. After a while, Leah's hand took a firm grip of her arm and pulled her to her feet, the sudden movement causing her to sway slightly. She fought the urge to fall into Leah's arms as Leah worked to take off her dress.

“What are you doing?” Her tongue felt heavy for some reason, her words slurring. Her dress felt to a heap around her feet, the warm air in the room, tickling her bare skin. Leah released her hold on Hadassah's shoulder and stepped back. When Hadassah lifted her eyes up, she found Leah examining her bare body.

Heat rising up the back of her neck and quickly covering her entire skin, she leaned down and made to pull her dress back on but quickly found that it had fallen into her vomit.

“You must get cleaned up.” Leah murmured, walking past Hadassah.

“Surely, you do not speak of a bath?!” Hadassah panicked. Only a week ago, Leah had forced her into taking a bath after she had thrown up on the floors. It had taken everything within her not to cry through the process of her skin being dipped in the water. She didn't want to go through it so soon. “We can have this cleaned up without having me take a bath.”

Leah sighed and turned around. “You do need a bath, my lady. I would hate for Lord Talbot to perceive the stench of vomit all over you and if this is going to be a common occurrence... ”

Hadassah shook her head then, knowing it wouldn't. She only threw up when she thought of Julius, she wouldn't think of him. She would try her possible best not to think of him. She would try to think nothing of him nor Lord Hadley. “I shall be fine. Perhaps you should help me clean the carpet and I shall change into a clean dress.”

Leah's frown deepened. “It would prove to be of no good, my lady, the smell shall remain. Perhaps it is rude to argue with you but I shall stand my ground and get some water heated.” With that, Leah made her way out of the room and returned a few minutes later with warm water. Hadassah thought to argue, but the look of determination on Leah's face told her not to.

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