48l BlindFold

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Lungs burned for lack of oxygen. Limbs ached from fatigue. Heart pounded for fear. Eyes stung with tears. Feet burned from exertion of energy.

Yet, Hadassah wouldn't stop. She wouldn't stop racing through the crowded hallway, shoving and pushing bodies aside as her eyes remained focused straight ahead. She tripped over her skirt, more times than she cared to acknowledge and most likely leaving bruises on her arms and legs. Still, the pain caused by her bruise was nothing compared to the feeling of dread that was now spreading and taking over her entire being as she made her way up the stairs. When she reached her destination and pushed the door wide open, the sight before her forced her to a halt.

No, she shook her head, forcing her feet forward. No! Her heart yelled, her tears streaming down her face as she continued to move further into the room. She shook her head furiously, as if to shake herself awake, as if to wake up to the realization that this was all a bad dream, that she wasn't standing here, in the room she knew very well Daniel was supposed to be, all alone!

“Daniel?” She turned from the empty bed to the sofa, disappointed to find it empty. “Daniel!” She walked to the window and shoved the curtains aside, desperately hoping she would find him hidden behind it. When she didn't she glanced down at the streets below. Still, nothing. “Daniel!” She tried to scream but even her voice failed her.

“We'll find him.” Strong hands took hold of her shoulders. Stunned she wasn't alone, she turned sharply around. Julius stood staring down at her, his face expressionless. She searched his eyes, desperate to find something, anything to convince herself that Julius did care, that he was as distressed about Daniel's disappearance as she was. But the longer she watched him, the clearer it became that he didn't care.

Stepping back, her body bumped into the window behind her. She shook her head, “It was you, wasn't it?”


“You did this! You took him! You took Daniel and now you will kill him, will you not?! You will...” A loud cry escaped her lips, piercing the air as her knees trembled.

“Hadassah,” Julius held up his hand before her, shaking his head. “Listen to me,” He stepped forward and she tried to back away but was immediately restrained from doing so by the window.

“Don't! Don't come near me! Where's Daniel, where do you hold him prisoner?!”


Desperate, she turned from Julius. She would find Daniel, she decided, pushing open the window. Perhaps he was down there. Yes, she bobbed her head, lifting her skirt up. Julius couldn't keep him from her, she would find him. She would find him no matter the cost! Lifting one leg over the window sill, she lifted her other leg and hurled her body forward.


The soft wind was chilly against her skin, the dark pregnant skies above helping to aid her anxiety. Everything about this night frightened her greatly, yet, there was one thing that gave her unspeakable joy.

Sighing softly and refusing to dwell on the journey that laid ahead, she leaned to the side and closed her eyes, falling fast asleep.

Movement beneath her awakened her, forcing her eyelids apart. Pushing her tired body to a sitting position, she gave in to the desire to yawn and stretch her limbs before rubbing her eyes and waiting for her vision to adjust to the unfamiliar environment she now found herself. While she recognized the room immediately, the memory of it filled her with horror, causing a chill to race down her spine. She pressed her lips together to keep from crying out in fright and sat still trying to scold her heart to remain calm in the midst of fear.

Surely she would be fine, surely they would be fine! Turning to the side sharply, she fully expected to find him asleep beside her. Of course she would be fine, she wasn't alone. He would keep her safe, would he not? She knew he would. A small smile settled on her lips but immediately faded away the second she found the bed beside her empty.

Panicking, she jumped to her feet, the floorboards beneath protesting her actions. She crossed the room hurriedly and pulled the door wide open. The hallway was small but not unlike anything she had ever seen. Slamming the door shut behind her, she raced through the hall and down the stairs. Perhaps she didn't know where to find him, but she was desperate. She needed to find him, the very thought of his abandonment filling her with unspeakable dread.

The cold air washed over her skin the second she stepped outside, stunning her briefly and pulling her to a halt. She however recovered quickly enough to resume her search that must have lasted nearly fifteen minutes before she saw him.

Standing with his back to her, she could have recognized him even in the dark. His body was rigid, his shoulders tense. His short, brown locks danced to the rhythm of the breeze, as he stood still only a few feet from her.

“Did you sleep well, Helena?” He called before she could take a step forward.

Frowning, “How did you know it was me, Pa?”

“That is one of the blessings of being blind. Perhaps it is the only blessing.” When his voice faded into the wind, Helena immediately knew what it was that bothered him.

“Pa?” Perhaps they could eat something, perhaps food would ease his worries.

He turned around ever so slowly. When he was fully turned to her, she took a step back, surprised to find that he was blindfolded.

“Yes, Helena?”

“Why do you have on a blindfold?”

He offered her a small smile. “I'm afraid, Helena, not only of the sun, but of what it is I'm most likely going to be unfortunate to see. I'm afraid I have seen enough.”

Copyright © 2018 Lily Orevba All rights reserved.

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