15l Selfishly Demanding Love

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It must have lasted for only a second, done to fulfill the necessary custom of a wedding after the Reverend had pronounced them man and wife. She knew quite well the foolishness of attaching more weight to it than was necessary. Yet, as his fingers brushed her cheeks, holding her face captive, before leaning down and brushing his lips briefly against hers, she stood frozen for several more seconds, eyelids shut, lungs unable to take in oxygen and heart pounding in requirement of more. It was such a brief kiss, yet so beautiful. So short, but its memory was one that would last for a very long time.

A flurry of activities followed closely behind. A wedding lunch was served.

Hadassah found it easier to move the piece of steak in her plate around than to contribute to the conversation going on around the table. Somehow, it felt like her intestines had managed to get tangled in her stomach, creating huge knots that made it impossible to eat. Only a few minutes ago, her life changed completely. Two simple words pronounced before two witnesses -Lady Talbot and the housekeeper, Connie- had changed the course of her life and she was nervous as to where it was leading her.

Then there was the kiss. Heat spread across her face at the thought of it. Embarrassed, she leaned further down over the plate, afraid someone would notice the color that had most likely succeeded in covering her entire face. It was mostly due to the kiss she was nervous. It wasn't the kiss that surprised her, it was her reaction to it. She didn't know if they would get more opportunities to kiss like that but she knew she enjoyed it and longed for more of it; a fact she could admit to, even if it only helped to heighten the spread of color on her face.

Daniel sat quietly beside her as well, Lady Talbot and Reverend Smithson speaking nonstop on various topics.

Dessert was served and once again, Hadassah found herself pushing the piece of cake in her plate round about, unable to eat.

“Do you not like the cake as well?”

Turning sharply to the side, she nearly bumped her head against Daniel's forehead, having not realized how close he came to whisper in her ears.


“I only hear your spoon making contact with the plate but I fail to hear you take a bite.” He whispered, his breath tickling her face. Somewhere in the background, she could still hear Lady Talbot carrying on with her conversation with the Reverend.

Hadassah suddenly smiled, realizing they were sharing their first private conversation together as a married couple. It was a silly thought but it made her smile.

“I'm simply full.” She pushed the plate aside.

Frowning, “You haven't eaten anything since breakfast in the boarding house.”

“Perhaps I'm too tired to eat.”

“I should have insisted Mother puts off the wedding until tomorrow. It was selfish of me not to realize you'd be tired especially considering such a long trip.” His voice carried his concern.

She knew she wasn't as tired as he most likely thought. The trip wasn't so tedious and the wedding ceremony was quite brief. She just couldn't bring herself to confess her nervousness to him, not wanting him to fear she didn't desire the wedding.

Pushing his seat back, he rose to his feet and held out a hand to her. “You must rest now.”

“You're right, Daniel.” Lady Talbot rose to her feet as well. “I will escort Hadassah to the room and you will keep the Reverend occupied for a few more hours.”

Hadassah didn't know if Daniel nodded to his mother's words for she was immediately whisked from his side and to a bedroom. This time, one that was large and well furnished compared to the previous room Lady Talbot had shown her. It was the singular door that stood facing the other two in the hallway.

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