14l Switching To Coach

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Daniel tried not to pay attention to the fact that he could hear clearly the sound of water making contact with Hadassah's skin. He knew she was taking a bath and even if he couldn't see her, his imagination was quite active.

Reaching down, he took his shoes off, a sigh of relief escaping his lips as he did so. He flexed his toes, having had them trapped for many hours throughout their journey to London.

Slipping out of his sweaty shirt, he recalled the evening he had planned the escape to Rye with his mother. His father had just announced the outcome of the letter from Hadassah's uncle and while he had been upset at the announcement, his anger had quickly been replaced with pity as he listened to Hadassah's sad outburst. She didn't deserve such an uncle, a man willing to keep her trapped and under his control for as long as was required to cunningly take over her estate. He felt pity for her predicament, her desperation to run off and break loose of his bond, willing to take on the role of servitude for however long it would take to find a husband. He understood then her seeming friendship with the solicitor and as he sat listening to her footsteps fade down the hall, he felt a sense of protectiveness settle over him.

His mother had made known her decision to visit Sheffield; a journey he knew would be futile. When she escorted him to his room that evening, he let her lead the way, his mind desperately searching for a solution. He knew his father would most likely suggest she be returned to Sheffield, wanting nothing to do with the scandal that would follow if Lord Hadley decides on a lawsuit. The thought of Hadassah's life being in the hands of his father and her selfish uncle, filled him with desperation.

"I cannot let her return." He had said to his mother as she helped him settle on the sofa in his room. "I will not let her return to Sheffield. She obviously doesn't want to. Lord Hadley shouldn't have so much power over her life, she isn't a slave, Mother." His face crumbled into a frown.

"No, she's not. But Lord Hadley is her legal guardian, Daniel, we cannot go ahead with a marriage without his consent. You certainly need his consent more than you need hers for society has placed the power of a woman's life in the hands of a man. If it is found out that you have gone ahead to marry her without Lord Hadley's consent and he contests the marriage in court, it will be annulled and Hadassah will live the life of a soiled woman."

"Let us suppose we get married, Mother, and we stay hidden long enough for it to be impossible to contend the marriage contract in court..."


Shaking his head, "is this possible? Can I marry her without the consent of her uncle, keeping her away from him until he loses his power over her?"

"I suppose." She breathed softly. "It is too risky. Lord Hadley will file the suit and your father will not tolerate such a marriage on these grounds."

"Forget Father." He rose to his feet and paced back and forth. "We will leave Birmingham."

"You speak of running away?"

"Yes." He didn't think twice about it, deciding he had nothing left here anyway. He had no friends, a family that hardly cared anything for him, excluding his mother, and a society he cared nothing for.

"Are you certain, Daniel? It is possible they will try to find you two."

"Let them try."

He felt her hand settle on his arm. "There is more to lose from this, than there is to gain. Are you certain?"

Nodding, "yes, Mother." He would take Hadassah away from the men who sought to control her life. He would especially take her away from the one who sought to control both their lives.

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