43l The Estate

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Helena inched closer to Daniel as they made their way up the front porch of the extremely grand building. She felt her lips fall wide open, having seen nothing like it in the past even if her mama had told her such building existed.

People teemed about them, gentlemen and ladies dressed in expensive attire. Nervous, Helena glanced down at her own dress, only recently purchased by Daniel. While it was the best dress she had ever owned with lovely frills and lace decorating the edges of the sleeves, it was nothing like the fine clothing and jewelries worn by the people around them. She heard Daniel say something and when she tore her eyes off of the large crowd, she found the footman leaving Daniel's side.

Tugging on his sleeves, he glanced down and offered her a smile. “Yes, angel?” His face was compassionate, nothing like the man she had bumped into on the ship. She had been so terrified by the look of anger in Daniel's eyes at the time, and the thought of getting in trouble with her mama if she was reported, she broke down in tears at his rebuke. Three weeks with Daniel however, and she realized she liked him, she really liked him.

“I can lead you, you don't need his help.”

“Is that so, young lady?” He rose a teasing brow. Raising her chin in defiance, she nodded. After a short while, his smile broadened. “You keep nodding, angel, and I cannot see you to ascertain whether or not you approve or disapprove.” She frowned at his words, confused how he couldn't see her but knew she was nodding. If he couldn't see her, how did he know whether or not she nodded? And didn't nodding mean one's approval? She always thought it did. Her frown deepened, her mind unable to grasp the true meaning behind his words. “A simple yes or no will suffice.” He smiled and she nodded. “Another nod?”


He chuckled. “Very well, I guess I am the one who must get used to this.”

“Where are we?” She scanned the massive room, eyes bulging in size as they ran from one end of the lavishly furnished room to the other.

“My brother lives here.” His voice sounded angry. Sneaking a glance up at him, she wasn't surprised to find his face turned in the other direction.

“There are so many people.” She inched in closer until she was bumping into his side. Releasing his hold on her hand, his arm settled on her shoulder.

“A ball, my brother must be having a ball.”

The footman returned in that second, his stoic, expressionless face coming into view. He wasn't alone either, for beside him was a man with straight shoulders, graying black hair that was slicked to the back, a tailored suit, a bow tie and his nose raised high up in the air.

“My Lord, ” He obviously had a heavy accent, not unlike every other soul that resided in Italy. It was strange to her ears but she was thankful that at least this one could speak English. Several couldn't. “Lord Talbot will see you in his study. Come, right this way.”

Daniel slipped his hand into the strange man's hand and allowed him lead them through a beautiful hallway with marbled floors, only coming to a halt before a door.

“Helena,” Daniel turned to her, eyes scanning her face. “Will you wait for me in the drawing room? I know this must be frightening for you and I hate to leave you alone but you must go with this man here and wait for me. I shall be out shortly.”

Helena panicked. No, she didn't want to be alone in a room full of strangers and she especially didn't want to leave Daniel's side! What if she never saw him again? What if she lost him like she lost her mama?!

“Fear not, angel,” She shook her head at his reference to her; angel. She wasn't an angel, mama had read stories of angels and she didn't fit the profile. She was instead afraid and had stood by while her mama sank in a boat. “Be brave, will you?” She opened her mouth to speak, but Daniel was already turning to the stranger. “Take my daughter and give her something to eat.” Helena didn't listen to the rest of the conversation, her mind reeling with the fact that Daniel had just referred to her as his daughter! Of course he wasn't her real Pa, of course her Pa had died in a ship weeks before she was born, like her mother had told. Yet, she felt a warm feeling in her heart for him, one that wanted him to be her father.

He leaned down and planted a quick kiss on her head, before handing her over to the stranger. Helena was then ushered to a separate part of the house, one that was quiet with no sign of the high class men and woman that teemed about in the 'drawing room', according to Daniel. This seemed like a parlor, she thought, glancing about the somewhat small room even if it was larger that the entire cottage she shared with her mama before she died. A maid appeared with a large platter of sweets, some of which Helena knew, and most of which she didn't. She pounced on the wonderful display and downed her glass of cold tea. Soon enough, she was full and barely able to eat anymore.

She then turned her attention to inspecting the room. Other than the obviously priced furniture, the room seemed empty and devoid of... Love? The cottage she shared with mama was small and nothing like this big house, but it seemed to be the very embodiment of mama and her. Her broken toys littered the floors, mama's knitting pins and wools could be seen in awkward places and her Pa's painting of her mama could be seen on the wall. There was even a painting of her Pa, his crooked nose, scarred jaw and bright green eyes, with a full head of silky black hair, hanging on the wall.

Helena yawned softly, finding nothing of interest in the room. She made her way to the doorway and peeked into the hallway. It seemed to go on and no with nobody in sight. Deciding to snoop about and find out if there was more to be seen in the building, she made her way down the hall.

It took skills to avoid the servants and thankfully, Helena was skilled in the art of snooping around. She had been snuck into two ships since her mother found dressmaking for the lowest class of society, insufficient to see to their needs. Her mother had instead gotten a job on a ship and had been left with no other choice but to sneak her daughter aboard as well. Helena didn't just have to sneak in, she had to stay hidden.

Puffing an air of relief as the maid went by without incident, she decided she would return to the room she had been taken to, lest Daniel tries to find her and fails. Panicking, she knew she couldn't disappoint him, not when he had been the only one willing to care for her.

Several seconds of roaming the hallways and Helena finally admitted to herself that she was lost. Surely she would never find the room! Surely Daniel would find about about her disobedience and insistence on roaming the halls and punish her for it... Didn't this door look familiar? She thought, pausing by the door. There were muffled voices coming from the inside but that was it, she couldn't hear the conversation. She leaned forward and pressed her ear to the door, her heart skipping in her chest at the sound of Daniel's voice.

Reaching forward, she made to turn the knob and open the door, wanting nothing more than to be with Daniel, under his safety. She would confess to roaming the halls and prying. He would forgive her, wouldn't he? She was exhausted anyway, her feet already hurt from roaming and she could have done with that wonderful platter of sweets.

She turned the door knob and pushed the door wide open, her eyelids bulging at the sight before her. Daniel had his face to her, a frown denting his face. He stood tall, the very image of the Prince charming stories her mother told her every other night. His tailored suit sat perfectly on his body, his blue eyes watering and his hands clutching tightly to his trouser.

But it wasn't Daniel her eyes were trained on, it was the man who stood a few feet behind Daniel, pointing a gun to his head.

Copyright © 2018 Lily Orevba All rights reserved.


Pathetically exhausted, guys! I unfortunately have to stop here tonight and hope I can find the time to write soon.

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