50l Remembering

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“Kiss me. Kiss me, Dasa.” His words pulled her forward until her lips were settling on his. Hadassah nearly believed herself in a dream, she nearly believed it impossible that Daniel was lying before her, her lips pressed to his. But as his lips parted to welcome hers, her doubt began to melt away and her eyelids snapped shut.

Something wrapped around her waist, causing her entire body to come crashing down and in that second, she was all of a sudden hurling herself down a window. She felt the overwhelming feeling of grief and desperation urging her to take that leap but as fast as she was hurling herself down, strong arms were curling around her waist and pulling her back in; Julius. She fought against his hold on her, but his arms simply tightened around her, drawing her ragged body forward until he was capturing her lips.

Gasping, she pulled away, her head spinning. What was she doing?! She needed to get away, to find Daniel! She couldn't be here, kissing his brother! It was all her fault Daniel was missing! Tears sprang to her eyes and made its way down her cheeks. The feeling of hopelessness settled in the pit of her belly, threatening to drive her insane.

Something moved before her, forcing her eyelids apart. For a second, she stood staring into the depths of his blue eyes, confused. A part of her believed it to be Julius, but the majority part knew it was Daniel. He was here, seated before her, staring at her. Surely he was looking at her, for something about his eyes seemed capable of seeing her.

She wanted to shake her head at the thought. Daniel couldn't see! Daniel wasn't here! Perhaps her mind had succeeded in going mad!

“Daniel?” She managed.

The ragged image of the man being carried out of the carriage looked nothing like him. Yet, the girl that followed behind confirmed her suspicion; Helena. Hadn't Helena gone missing as well? Hadassah didn't know, she doubted she cared anything for Helena, her own desire being to find Daniel.

She stood still by the doorway, watching four men carry his unconscious body up the front porch. As they made to walk by her, she saw his face, and she knew, she knew she wasn't dreaming and they had found him.

It was about noontime when his body was placed on the bed, the Physician was invited once more and the cut to his head was stitched. Helena only agreed to leave Daniel's side when Lady Talbot insisted he needed to rest and as soon as the room cleared out, Hadassah settled by his side.

“Daniel...” She tugged on his arm, knowing fully well he couldn't hear her. But what choice did she have? She was desperate for things to go back to being normal, for him to return to her. “Daniel, please wake up. Daniel... Daniel. ” She fought against her tears.

“Dasa... Hmm... Dasa.”

“Daniel, do you hear me?!” Her question was foolish for even she knew she was simply imagining he did, she was simply having a really good dream. A dream where he demanded a kiss, a dream where she complied.


Daniel felt his body protest his decision to remain seated upright for such a long period of time, but he could hardly pay attention to the pain, he could hardly do anything but stare at Hadassah.

She was perfect. It was all he could think of. She was so perfect, she succeeded in taking his breath away for a few seconds as his eyes drank the sight of her. Her brown eyes seemed fatigued, the tip of her nose a bright pink, her lips slightly apart and tears stained her pale face. Brunette hair hung loosely around her shoulders, framing her oval face. In spite of the dimness of the room, he could make out her beautiful features.

He tried to reach out to her, to slide his hand down the perfection of her face, but as he did so, his body protested his actions and forced him to come crashing against the bed, a loud groan escaping his lips.

“Daniel?!” She gasped, leaning over him. He stared into her eyes and found grief in them. “Don't...”

The door opened and she leaned back, turning to the door. Daniel tried to rise to see the intruder but knew he couldn't.

“Hadassah.” Even from his position on the bed, he recognized his brother's voice. Hadassah rose to her feet, to his displeasure, as he listened to Julius approach.

“Julius.” She said.

His brother's tall frame appeared and in that second, Daniel remembered. He remembered lying in excruciating pain as the sound of his brother's footsteps filled his ears.

“I didn't do anything to Hadassah... Your wife and son.”

Daniel lifted his eyes up and was just in time to find Julius pulling Hadassah close and capturing her lips.

He tried to scream at the sight of it, but he couldn't. He couldn't do anything but lie there and watch.

Copyright © 2018 Lily Orevba All rights reserved.


Just a little bit more patience and this will be over.

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