Chapter 10: Power

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"(Y/N) please," Petra pleaded.

I sighed. "No."

"You can't seriously be going to a party with that!"

"There's nothing wrong with this."

Petra grumbled away as soon as I said I would wear my Neko Atsume onesie if she didn't stop bothering me. The party was in 30 minutes, and we were still in our rooms.

Like I said, I didn't really care about clothes, so it certainly didn't bother me when I went there using black jeans, a white undershirt and a navy jacket with black-blue sneakers.

On the other side, apparently my outfit bothered Petra so much she didn't stop begging me to change for 45 minutes. I can't believe the presence of my onesie had been helpful in this situation.

As for the -supposedly- special occasion, I actually had the heart to fix my (long/short) (h/c) hair, giving it a thorough brush that had been 2 weeks late. I let it fall behind me, not really doing anything special to it since the brushing hair thing really knocked me out.

"Petra c'mon. We're gonna be late if we don't leave now," I said to Petra, who was sitting on her bed looking at her phone.

With a frown, she placed her phone in her fancy ass bag and stepped out the door, locking it behind her.

"Where the heck is the party again?" I asked, pressing the button on the lift.

"Um.. let me see the invitation--... oh no." Petra fumbled through her bag, her eyebrows scrunching. "I didn't bring it."

The strawberry-blonde hair girl looked despairingly at me.

I frowned. "I'm not going back up there."

"Then what do we do?" Petra wailed as we walked out of the lift, earning a few curious glances.

"I don't know. Just keep an eye out for a place with flashy lights and the smell of food I suppose."

I never thought the day would come when we had to sniff out food to find a place. Looks like the world's ending soon.

We wandered for a few good minutes, until my natural sense of direction kicked in, and I finally suggested to go to the school building, totally winning over Petra's suggestion to go to the school field.

Reaching the main doors of the building, I noticed bright colored lights shining from the 4th floor, so now we knew where the party was at least.

Sad thing was, we were 15 minutes late, and Petra was devestated about it. As soon as we entered we entered the ballroom, I was struck with amazement.

It was a giant ass room, surrounded by glass windows with tied up curtains. The room was dark, and there was the school band playing performing on the stage, as some people danced, others sitting down, and some at the buffet.

Petra gave me a half-hearted smile and disappeared in the party, drowning in the hundreds of people.

I stood there, not really knowing what to do. Parties weren't my thing, in other words this is the first time I had ever been to one. I gave myself a mental shrug and wandered around aimlessly.

I stood at the edge of the dance floor, looking at the band as they perform, trying to enjoy the song they played. It stayed that way until someone tapped me from behind. I turned around, only to stare at a guy's chest.

I looked up, already startled by his muscular figure, my (e/c) eyes meeting ocean-blue ones. His hair was in two different shades, bright blonde and dirty blonde. Soft golden locks were slicked back, one or two strands falling down. He had thick, bushy (lol), eyebrows, defined cheekbones and a straight nose adoring his features.

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