Chapter 69: A Fate Nearly Sealed

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Omg lol 69
Damn it brain why are u so dirty

Special thanks to AntheaDivine for editing this chapter

Nothing much happened during the time we went out. I suppose we were busy trying to map out the land and all of it's details.

The only mildly interesting thing that happened is when I slipped on some ice and fell on my side. Hang on, I take it back... that wasn't so interesting to me, not at the least.

Levi helped me up, only after standing there and staring at me on the snowy ground for a good minute. The rest of the outing was nothing special, but eventually as the snow came down harder and faster, we had no choice but to retreat back to the cabin.

When we came back, the only other people there were Eren and Mikasa, everyone else was still outside. It seems that they had came back to get some stuff, but were asked by Erwin to stay and guard the cabin while everyone else went out.

Mapping out this land turned out to be harder than I had originally expected. Mostly because I kept on screwing up the distance.

I sighed, getting myself a cup of hot water from the kitchen. Levi followed me and proceeded to make his own drink.

What other than a cup of black tea?

Back in WSH, when we'd go down to have breakfast together, I'd steal a sip of Levi's tea almost every morning. I'm pretty sure he's aware that I do it, but he never does anything to stop me.

Levi quietly stirred his tea beside me, occasionally glancing at me as I searched around for some food.

It’s about three o'clock in the afternoon, and I haven't eaten anything since that morning. Mikasa popped her head into the kitchen, noticing me pacing around. 

"(Y/N), Petra made sandwiches before she went out. Your share is in that cupboard." She pointed to the cupboard above me. I reached out and opened it, relieved to find two sandwiches sitting there.

"Thanks," I replied, getting the food out. Mikasa nodded in response and walked back into her room.

Levi was gazing at the sandwiches I had in my hand with some sort of sparkle in his eyes, and it didn't take me long to realize he was just as hungry as I was.

"Here." I handed him one of the sandwiches, which he took gratefully. We both proceeded to back to the main room.

Eren was sitting alone, doing something I rarely see him do; reading.

He had one of the most serious expressions I've ever seen, his emerald eyes slowly moving back and forth as he read his book.

I took a seat in front of him, Levi settling down beside me.

"What're you reading?" I asked, unwrapping my sandwich.

Eren didn't answer me immediately. He stayed unresponsive for nearly a minute, before closing the book and giving a small sigh. "Just some history notes."

Levi raised an eyebrow, staring at the brunette with a bored expression.

"You brought your history notes? On an expedition?"

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