Chapter 47: Sick

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I stared at the phone laying on the floor, my eyes wide with shock as the pieces slowly came together.

Petra was always smiling back in the days when she had the biggest crush on Levi.

She was always happy and tolerant with whatever he did.

She told me stories of how she'd get butterflies in her stomach whenever they talked or physically touched.

Is this seriously what they call love?

I know it existed, but I didn't fucking know I'd be feeling it this soon. Especially on the bitch!

I ran my hands down my face, groaning in frustration. My knees buckled, and I stumbled down on the floor, laying on my side.

The sound of a handle clicking followed by the creaking of the door told me Petra has come out of the bathroom.

Her shadow largened over me as she peeked to see my phone on the ground beside me.

Then, she stepped back. "So.... did you figure it out?"

I covered my face, feeling blood rush to it. "I wish I didn't."

"Aww, don't say that (Y/N)," Petra purred, flipping me over so that I was facing her. "You're just a bit shocked, that's all."

I peeked from my hand. "I think a bit is an understatement."

Petra huffed. "Okay, so you're pretty shocked. But did you really not see it coming?"

I shook my head, mumbling a no.

Petra stayed quiet for a moment. "So... is there anything I could do to help you feel better?"

This time, I rose from the floor to a sitting position, with my knees brought to my chest. "I don't know... I thought I was just friends with him... I didn't expect to end up liking him..."



"Tell me how you feel about Levi. Everything."

I hesitated on telling Petra, not because I didn't trust her, but because I was confused on what to say.

"Well, as you know... I enjoy Levi's company... a lot. And.. it makes me a bit mad.. and upset.... if he just disappeared from my life, like that time after the whole lie thing."

I paused, but continued when Petra encouraged me to.

"He's sort of always been there for me... and he's a awkwardly sweet guy at some times. He never backs down from a challenge, is always competitive, and we share a lot of interest. I don't know, it-... it's just....nice to have him around."

"Okay," Petra said, smiling at me. "Now do you realise what you're saying right now."

I shuffled uncomfortably. "Actually, yes... After hearing myself say that, I can kind of understand the fact I like him."

"So are you less shocked now?"

"I suppose you can say that," I mumbled, lowering my head. "What do I do Petra?"

"Well, I really shouldn't be telling you on what to do. But, if you are still feeling skeptical about this whole thing, perhaps you can go have a friend-date with him, and see how you feel."

"You mean... we go hang out together?"

"Yeah, like go out, do something you both like doing together, and see how it turns out."

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