Chapter 88: Waking Up

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I sat on my bed and waited awkwardly as 2 people wearing white lab coats asked me questions and fiddled around with the cables and machines near me.

After quickly exchanging a few words with each other and jotting down something on a paper, one of them -the young one- flashed me a warm smile before walking out of the room.

The older looking one turned to me with a gentle smile and took a seat beside me. "Hello (Y/N), I'm Dr. Joy. Nice to meet you."

I silently studied the person facing me. Her skin was a fair tone, with wrinkles beginning to form on her face from age. The woman had hazel eyes and wavy dark chocolate hair that fell until her chest.

She offered a handshake, to which I hesitantly accepted. "Likewise."

"The other person that just left is my daughter," Dr. Joy explained, pointing at the figure closing the door. "Together, with your friend Annie, we've been taking care of you ever since you entered a comatose state."

I froze upon hearing her words. "C-comatose state?"

"Yes (Y/N)." The doctor's eyes softened in sympathy. "You were in a coma."

I furrowed my eyebrows. All I remember about everything is just floating in dark emptiness. "For how long?"

"About... one year."

One year?!

My jaw dropped and my eyes widened. Does that mean I had been floating all alone inside that dark place for a whole year? That a year has passed ever since what happened at the mountain?

The expedition.






The fight.

The... fall.

I... survived that fall. How? That's impossible.

My head ached with confusion as my eyes travelled down, examining my body. It was covered with bandages, but it was no doubt still intact. I still have all of my limbs.

But if I managed to survive the fall, then surely, Kenny must have survived as well—

My thoughts were brought to an immediate halt as I saw tufts of white fur poking out from under the blanket covering the lower half of my body. With a shaky hand, I slowly reached out to uncover it, a sense of dread sitting in the pit of my stomach.

I tugged the fabric, revealing a long, bushy, white tail neatly tucked beside my leg. There was no doubt in my mind that this was my werewolf tail.

Wait. If my tail is out, then does that mean—

My hands darted to my head, flinching as I felt soft fur grazing it. Werewolf ears.

I'm in my werewolf form?

I froze, slowly realizing something. I glanced back at the person sitting beside me, a warm smile plastered on her face while she looked at me with a soft look in her eyes. That wasn't what I was worried about.

She's a human. I'm.... not.

Panic filled my brain as I scrambled to hide my werewolf traits, shuffling away from her as I nervously stammered, "I'm in my.... You're a human! L-look away! I'm not a were—"

Dr. Joy's eyes widened and she quickly placed her hands on my shoulders. "Woah (Y/N), (Y/N) stop! It's okay! No need to panic!"

She gave her head a few small shakes and beneath the strands of her dark hair, mounds of fur began to rise to the surface. The pile of fur eventually formed into wolf-like ears. "See? I'm a werewolf too! Like you!"

My Alpha ~ Levi x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt