Chapter 66: Welcome to Mt. Maria

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Everyone was surprised and shocked that day; when Levi and I returned together walking side by side.

Hanji was the first to ask what happened. I wasn't all to comfortable with telling her everything, so I just smiled and said, "We talked it out and... we're friends now."

I was expecting Petra to make me spill the beans, but surprisingly, she didn't ask or pester me anything.

The simulation proceeded without any casualties, and we finally got a taste of what we'll be facing for the next two months. It was tough, it was cold and it was tiring as hell.

Eren and Levi argued a lot during the whole thing. They both had different opinions on what to do.

The disagreement got so bad that Mr. Shadis interrupted the simulation to scold the both of them. Then he made Erwin our leader to avoid anymore disagreements.

Other than that, everything went fine. Hanji and Armin was in charge of organizing everyone's tasks and plans throughout the day.

Petra was in charge of supplies, if she wasn't scouting the area along with the rest of us.

When we got home from the simulation, we immediately began discussing the plans for when the real thing arrives. Afterwards, we all got as much rest as we possibly can.

Days passed, and now here we are.

Gazing down upon the white peaks from a helicopter as we took the final ride to our starting point.

Petra shuffled beside me as she strained her head for a better view. "Wow... is this really it?"

"It is," Shadis replied, staring outside at the snowy peaks. Shadis accompanies every team on their helicopter ride to their spots. You know, to swear a bit one last time.

I rubbed my gloved hands together, feeling the cold seep in even through the thick outfit I was wearing.

Not long after, I felt the helicopter begin to descend. My heart began beating faster. This is it. We'll be out here, alone, for two months with no contacts to the outside world.

The helicopter landed a little away from a cabin, gently touching down on the soft snow. We exited one by one, and unloaded our supplies.

Shadis hopped out from the helicopter and followed us as we brought our bagsto the front door.

"Remember. You're in Lane 3!" Shadis shouted. "There's a fucking cliff here so none of you shits better go anywhere near it!"

"Yes sir!"

"We will sadly see each other again in two months time. Remember to stay alive!"

The six of us watched Shadis jog back to the helicopter, and before we know it, it was nothing more than a dot in the sky.

"Stay alive?" Armin muttered, staring at the chopper flying away. "Does he seriously not have anything better to say?"

Eren shrugged. "Beats me. Now c'mon, let's get all this stuff inside."

Erwin opened the door and we all began dragging the bags inside, piling it up in the main room.

I went back out to grab the last two bags, swinging one over my shoulder. Just as I was about to grab the second one, Levi gently slapped my hand away and lifted it up.

"I'll get this one."

"Thanks," I murmured, looking away. We walked back together to the cabin, and placed the bags along with all the others.

Levi shut the front door, and we all huddled with Hanji, who was trying to get the fireplace started.

After failing a few times, there was finally a spark that eventually led to a steady fire. I sighed, enjoying the warmth offered. We all  squatted there together, except for Erwin who stayed behind so there'd be more room for us.

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