Chapter 19: To The Beginning of a New Life

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I'm so goddamn tired. How on earth will I last a whole party? Sighing, I looked at the time.

4 pm.

Luckily, Petra had excused me from setting up the party.

Go and get some rest (Y/N). I most certainly do not want to see you all floppy at the party.

Tch! Who the hell is she calling floppy?!

But even so, I respected and thanked her for being being aware of my pathetic condition from before, and now everyone thinks I'm a fragile glass cup or something.

Anyways, I feel like I failed as Petra's wingman. I still can't grasp my head on what happened between me and the bitch, whatever it was. And I can definitely say Petra was jealous when Levi requested to return back with me.

God, I fucked up.

Whatever. I'll think of something later.

Petra said I had to be at the park by 6:30 on the dot, which I think is total bullcrap since the party doesn't start for another hour.

I sighed inwardly, laying down on my bed. I can't exactly sleep, but a bit of peace and silence with darkness on the side would be nice.

Thoughts about what I can do to make up for my mistake with Petra about Levi floated in my mind as I closed my eyes, relaxing for what time I have left.


"(Y/N) wake up!"

"Go fuck off! Petra I'm not even sleeping," I snapped, opening my eyes. Petra towered over me, her strawberry-blonde hair falling down.

Is it time already?

I looked at the time. 6:00 pm.

I raised an eyebrow. "You said 6:30."

Petra frowned and dragged me to a sitting position. "I'm not letting you wear whatever you used at the last party."

The girl let go of me, and searched through a plastic bag on the floor. I rubbed my temples, groaning, "Petra, you know I don't do dresses."

"I know," she replied shortly. "That's why you should thank Hanji and Erwin."


"I was going to get you a dress, but they insisted on giving you this. Well, it was more like buying a whole bunch of different clothing then putting it together to make a good fashion style."

Petra took out a piece of clothing, holding it up with a smile. "What do you think?"

I stood there, speechless. The clothes, they really are my style. But I'm more shocked about the fact that they went out of their way to get me this.

"(Y/N)?" Petra asked. "You're not saying anything? Is it bad?"

I quickly shook my head. "No! It's.... it's.....!"

"Dope. It's pretty dope," I finished, crossing my arms.

"Thank god," Petra sighed, putting the clothes on my bed. "Now go shower! We're heading down in 15. Use the clothes straight away, kay?"

I raised an eyebrow but nodded anyways. Petra turned and headed for the door, twisting the handle open. As she was about to close it, she asked something I had been expecting for a while.

"Hey (Y/N). Just asking but.... who bought the fairy lights?"

My lips twitched as I forced a smile down.

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