Chapter 63: A Jog Through Secrets

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Sunday - 1 day before simulation test


"(Y/N)? I'm going for a morning jog, then I'm going to get some coffee. Wanna come?" Petra asked, putting on her cap.

The (h/c) girl rolled on her bed lazily, mumbling out, "No."

Petra sighed and headed for the door. "Okay then. See you later."

The strawberry-blonde closed the door behind her, and made her way to the ground floor.

She can't really push her best friend to do a lot of things nowadays. At least, ever since the whole fight with Levi.

No one really knows what exactly happened between the two of them, but Petra can say for sure that the way Levi acted was wrong.

Very, very wrong.

And she despised him for that.

To tell the truth, Petra had despised him ever since the day she confessed to him. At first, she was angry and sad that Levi rejected her. Then she got jealous when he said he had taken an interest in (Y/N).

But the jealousy didn't stay for long. In a few hours, it turned into pure concern.

Petra had known Levi for quite a long time. She knows for a fact that Levi had never dated a girl. He probably has never taken an interest in anyone until (Y/N).

And with that lack of knowledge, led to Levi being rather harsh with his words and actions to girls that has liked him in the past.

Petra genuinely cares for her roommate, and she's worried just how Levi would treat her now that he's interested in her.

At first, everything seemed alright.

But then, Levi had asked Petra to follow along his plan of lying to (Y/N) that they were dating, so they can see her reaction.

It was foolish of Petra's behalf to agree on doing it, she realizes this clearly now. But at the time, her broken heart was just yearning for a chance to be Levi's girlfriend, even if it was a lie.

After seeing (Y/N) heartbreaking reaction, Petra was furious with herself and Levi.

(Y/N), being the patient and questionably nice person, forgave Levi for his actions and they continued being friends.

Everything was going along just fine.

He was there to comfort her when she found out about her caretaker's passing, he was there to cheer her up when she was feeling lonely and sad and he was also there to welcome her back in his arms when she returned from her hometown.

Petra huffed out, increasing her speed as she thought of the time when everything started going wrong.

Ever since the parent-teacher meeting at the beginning of the school year, Levi had been acting like a selfish, stupid jerk to (Y/N).

Though she didn't have any proof, she suspected that Levi's uncle had something to do with all this. He was never really a good or friendly person, and she heard he even went into prison once.

Kenny was a rough person, Petra knew this since she had been rather observant ever since she started liking Levi. He kept a very charming and charismatic personality in the public.

Petra also knew Kenny and Levi did not have a good relationship. She didn't really know about Mikasa since she is extremely distant with Kenny, but she was absolutely certain with Levi.

The glare in her ex-crush's eyes showed nothing but negative emotions.

Petra wondered if Kenny had told Levi something that made all this happen. Afterall, it was only after the meeting did Levi start acting strangely.

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