Chapter 24: Confess?

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"Time's up! Stop writing, please."

The whole class dropped their pens, a groan rippling through the students. As each one of the students walked to the front to hand their exam paper, realisation slowly struck the class.

And what the teacher said only boosted its excitement.

"That's the last day of exams kids. Have fun on the holidays while it lasts."

And with that the teacher left, and Mr. Shadis walked in. "Sit down, you shits!"

We all scrambled to our seats as Shitty Shadis took his place upfront.

"Now, I don't know if all you fucks know this, but it's part of Wings Senior High's education program to have class camping trips we call 'expedition' at the end of every year. This year, we are going Rose Lake."

Everyone was baffled. I was surprised out of my shitty mind.

I had hoped to spend the holidays in my dorm, being a fucking sloth.

"What about those who was going to return home for the holidays?" A student asked nervously.

Mr. Shadis' glare turned to the student that asked the question. "Your parents and/or guardians have been informed a month prior to this event."

Was Ms. Falida informed?

I shut my mouth anyways, not wanting to get in trouble.

"You will leave in a week. The expedition will last a month, so get your retarded manuals ready. Anymore questions will be asked to the Class Captain. Dismissed."

I raised from my seat and headed to Erwin straight away, who looked just as confused as everyone else was.

Every other student knew Erwin had no further information than what we have, so no one really bothered him by asking a bunch of questions.

I reached Erwin and his friends who had gathered around him as well.

"What the hell was that?" I asked as I reached them.

Pairs of eyes turned to me, confusion clearly visible. Erwin sighed, turning his gaze to me. "I read in the brochure before, WSH is known for it's expeditions, which is never done by any other schools in Paradis."

"So this is what makes it different than others?"

"Basically yes."

Well, that's that I guess.

Levi appeared beside me, looking annoyed as hell. It's been a few weeks since the incident of me 'dehydrating', but I've put it behind me, for now.

"So what are we supposed to do, Class Captain?" Levi asked with a mocked tone, earning an annoyed glance from Erwin.

"You can start by researching what other students before us used to do, Levi. It's not like I know what to do myself."

Levi shrugged, picked his bag and left the room.

I met up with Petra, and we went back to our dorm together.

"So," I started, "Any plans with the confession yet?"

Petra blushed beside me, chuckling nervously. "Actually yes, there is."

Her answer caught my attention. She's liked the same guy for 2 years, and spent nearly 1 year trying to confess.

And I've always been alerted of the news of every 'date' they went out on. So this is definitely some news.

"So when?" I asked, my voice laced with slight eargerness.

Petra blushed harder, her smile growing bigger and bigger. "On the expedition. I'll confess to him there."

I thought about Petra's choice of timing. It seemed okay to me. Rose Lake is a breathtaking place, judging from the pictures I saw from a pamphlet.

If she can find the right time and right place, it would be perfect.

Well, almost perfect.

I haven't mentioned this to Petra, but has she ever thought about how Levi felt about her. Not to be mean, but from what I see, it's more like a one sided relationship kinda thing.

Sure, I admit, Levi has acted nice to her every now and then, but to me, it seemed like it was only a friendly gesture.

Nothing more, nothing less.

The last thing I want is for Petra to have created the perfect scenario, only to have it crushed when Levi rejects her.

I glanced at Petra, who was still slightly blushing as we walked.

Has she ever thought of the possibilities of rejection?

I wondered with my question, and decided it would be a good idea to give her a heads up, and a warning that everything might no go as planned.



I shuffled my hands uncomfortably. "I don't mean to sound like I'm not supporting you or anything, but have you ever thought about how there is a possibility for you to get rejected?"

Petra's eyes widened, but she didn't say anything, and I continued.

"Life isn't always perfect. You have to be prepared for every outcome there is."

Petra covered her mouth and stopped abruptly, making me look back in concern.

Did I crush her hopes?

The strawberry-blonde stood still for a while, before gasping out, "I really forgot about that.."


She looked up at me, meeting my eyes. "You're right, there is a chance for me to get rejected. But.... I won't let that stop me. I'm still confessing!"

She gazed sharply at me, making me frown a bit, followed by a silent gasp as she suddenly hugged me. "Thanks (Y/N)! I totally forgot about that! You're such a good wingman!"


She pushed away, her hands on my shoulders. "If I did take the rejection badly, can you just keep on stocking me up with ice creams and Netflix?"

"Of course," I chuckled.

"Say (Y/N), what do you think would be the reason he rejects me?" Petra asked me, her usual smike back on her face.

"Maybe because he's married to Windex?" I replied.

We looked at eachother for a moment, before breaking out in a small giggle fit as we walked back to the dormitories.

Little did they know, the raven had 'accidentally' overheard their conversation, as he trailed behind them.

He was a tad bit annoyed since the (h/c) girl had supported Petra, knowing that he really didn't have any feelings for the strawberry-blonde other than just a friend.

But all he can do is wait for her confession, then finish this mess all together.








Sorry there was no update for 2 days.

I ran out of internet data.

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