Chapter 13: Red

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After a few minutes of walking, we finally reached the school administration counter. As Hanji had said, it was deserted.

I walked around the lobby, taking in the surroundings. It was quite large, obviously. The walls were painted with different shades of gray and blue, giving it a really unique design.

"Is this your first time here?" Hanji joked.

"No.. I have been here before, I just never took the time to look at the place properly."

Hanji nodded in understanding before going up to the desk, waiting patiently for someone to come. At last, a half-sleepy half-annoyed lady greeted her. "Yes, what is it?"

"I wanted to get the--"

"--schedule," the lady finished, crossing her arms. Hanji gave a nod and the lady sighed. I looked at her closely, and I realised she looked exhausted. Has she been working all night?

The lady rubbed her temples and closed her eyes, accidently brushing a paper in the process. The white sheet fell to the floor, and my relfex kicked in.

Swiftly, I snatched the paper before it reached the floor. Unintentionally, I skimmed the paper, reading briefly the information typed on it.

And what I saw nearly made my eyes pop out.

Not saying a word, I handed back the paper to the lady, who grunted in response.

"We're still sorting everything out. Come back again in 15 minutes. In the meantime, why don't you join the other lad that's been here an hour ago. He's at the seats over at the corner."


Hanji slightly flinched after hearing her words, and she immediately turned to me. "(Y/N), why don't we go to the park?"

"What? No, that's like, far away. And I'd have to like, walk to get there," I protested, shaking my head as a no.

Hanji looked at me as if I was mad. "You walked to get here."

"Yeah well it's different," I replied, not really thinking of a good reason. I started to head for the seating place the lady mentioned, and Hanji grabbed my shoulder quickly.

"Let's just go to another place," she insisted, turning me around.

I frowned, and shook her hand off of my shoulder. Now something was really suspicious. Nevertheless, I still headed for the seats, Hanji groaning behind me.

Once it came to my sight, I realised the reason why Hanji had so desperately wanted me to not come here.

Sitting alone, staring at me, was none other than the raven-haired bitch.



From somewhere deep inside me, I felt sick. The urge to just run back to my dorm was back again, just from the mere sight of him.

But I can't let that happen. In the end, I was going to be seeing him a lot more often than this. And I need to learn to endure it.

Mustering up whatever courage and will I had left, I forced myself to walk cooly to one of the seats, giving him a nod on the way, resulting in him narrowing his eyes at me.

"Levi," I greeted him shortly, sitting down and taking my phone out.

"(Y/N)," he greeted back, his voice deep and cool.

Hanji took a seat between us, perhaps to make sure we didn't start lunging at each other's throats. The awkward levels were off the chart. I began searching random stuff on the internet, Hanji would occasionally glance at me and Levi, and Levi himself was staring outside.

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