Chapter 1

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Nico's POV:

I'm gonna freeze to death.

It was snowing and the only thing I could do was curl up tighter beside my dumpster.
I call it that because I've been living beside it for a couple months which is the longest I've ever stayed in one place. At least I get some food here; not much but it's better than nothing.

The snow was getting higher now, and I was about to give up and just lay there. Maybe death would be better than this. I closed my eyes.

I was pretty sure I was getting frostbite when I felt something warm. A blanket. I pulled it closer, looked up and found a boy staring at me.

e had black hair, green eyes and looked a couple years older than me.

"Hi, I'm Percy. What's your name?"
I don't usually trust people that easily, but what's the worst that could happen? I'm about to die anyways.
"Um, Nico, Nico Di Angelo." I answered. Percy stared a little longer, then pulled me up.
I held on to the dumpster for a minute to make sure my feet still work.
"Come on, Nico." Percy dragged me to whatever place.
"Hey, where exactly are we going?"
He stopped and looked at me, which made me feel a little self conscious, so I folded my arms across my chest. You could see my ribs if you tried hard enough. Then again, you could see them even if you didn't.
"When was the last time you ate?"
He asked. Now I was embarrassed, I didn't want him to know how pathetic I was. But his stare was piercing.
"A couple days ago I think."
He kept on dragging me because I was too slow, until we reached a McDonald's.
I looked around because I hadn't been in one of these in a while, ever since my sister Bianca died.
Percy told me to pick a table while he ordered. Looking around, the memories came flooding back.

~ Flashback~

I was asleep in my very comfortable bed. I didn't notice anything wrong until my sister, Bianca burst through the door
"NICO!" She yelled startling me out of bed.
"Nico, you've gotta get out of here."
I was confused for a minute then caught the scent of something completely out of place.


Panicking, I grabbed Bianca's hand and pulled her towards the closest window big enough to crawl out of, which was down the hallway.
I was about to get out through the window, when Bianca pulled out of my grip.
I tried to grab her again but she stepped back.
"I've gotta go find Mom."
I froze realizing that I had forgotten my mother was still in the house.
"I'll go with you." I headed for the stairs, but Bianca stopped me.
No, I'll go. You need to get out of here."
The fire was getting worse.
"Nico, just do as I say!" Then she turned and ran towards the stairs. I sat on the windowsill and looked back but she was gone.

I jumped down the window and rolled onto the soft earth below.
Then I heard the roof collapse. I ran towards the front door but as far as I could see, there was fire everywhere.
I went back to the window and yelled for them, but it was no use.
I sat on the ground and cried. I knew the truth, my family was gone. I was completely alone in the world.
~ Flashback over~

"Nico?" Someone was touching me, I didn't like it.
"Nico, what's wrong."
I remembered Percy was still there"
"What's wrong, you're crying."
I wiped my face and felt tears. Great, now I looked even more pathetic.
"Oh, uh, it's nothing."
"C'mon, you can tell me." He coaxed.
"Don't worry about it. It's just, um, allergies." I wiped my nose.
I could tell he didn't believe me but, he let it go. He put his hand on mine and squeezed it lightly.
I felt my face suddenly get hot.
I realized I was blushing because Percy was holding my hand. Luckily, he didn't notice because he was ordering.
I hid my face with the blanket I had forgotten I had.
Percy, noticing my movement, looked concerned.
"You're still cold?" He asked.
That seemed like a good enough excuse, so I nodded.
"Don't worry, a hot drink should warm you right up," He smiled and I blushed more. It was embarrassing. Why was I blushing, just 'cause some guy I didn't even know happened to have a really cute smile. What?
This whole situation is crazy. Maybe that's it. I'm going crazy.

Or, maybe...

No, I won't even consider that.

Just The Beginning... (Solangelo)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora