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Chapter Ten


     The atmosphere was tense as Victor and the Elder talked. Just liked he promised, he showed up a day later and was now inside of Victor's home. Kate and I lounged under a nearby heat lamp, listening intently to what he was saying.

     "I will keep their intelligence a secret. If I were to make this public, the fire lizards in the park would probably flee and we'd never see them again," the Elder spoke, his eyes trained on mine. I sighed in relief. I was quite sure that the elderly Kymari would have kept our secret, but to hear it from his own mouth made me feel even better.

     Victor's noticeably tense shoulders relaxed as he smiled at him, "Thank you so much, Elder."

     The Elder's face grew serious and I fought to keep myself under control. I couldn't fly into a rage and attack like I did yesterday; I had to remain in control.

     "Victor, you are very young, not even a hundred and fifty years, but you have shown great responsibility by the way you dedicated yourself to gain the trust of these two ladies. You have surpassed my expectations." I looked towards Victor, smiling at his flushed face. He clearly was not used to compliments.

     "Thank you, Elder."

     "With these recent turn of events, I have decided not to find two more handlers for them. What I saw yesterday made it clear to me that she's loyal only to you and her friend and would probably hate to be separated, that means that I am proposing a very serious offer. Victor, would you like to be appointed as their handler?"

     The smile that spread across Victor's face was bright enough to put the sun to shame. Standing up, Victor bowed deeply, "I would be honored to appointed as their handler."

     I knew that usually when a Kymari was appointed to a certain position by an Elder, he or she would wait sometime before either accepting or declining as to not come across to hasty. But I was sure that the Elder knew what Victor's answer was when he asked him, so it was fine. Kate nudged me and sent her excitement in the link. I thrilled in reply, earning a curious glance from the Elder.

     "I'm happy that we all get to stay together too," I spoke into Kate's mind.

Victor and the Elder went off and spoke while I flew lazily to the kitchen with Kate close on my tail.

     "Help me get this fridge open, I'm hungry and they've been talking for ages," I grumbled. Kate laughed and we both hovered in the air. Grabbing the handle, we back-winged until the door reluctantly opened. Hearing this, both of the Kymari peeped in on us, chuckling when they saw Kate and I grabbing some strawberries and the oh so good Shia fruit.

     Victor shook his head at us, "Those Shia fruits are for your training, you know?"

      "Hey, hey, hey, we deserve something for listening to you guys talk all day! Can't you hear our tummies?" Kate joked as she bit into the delectable fruit. Letting the door to the fridge closed, I joined her and we shared the Shia fruit and strawberries.

     The Elder chuckled before patting Victor on the shoulder, "I'm going to take my leave here, looks like you have your hands full."

      After showing the Elder out, Victor came back and joined us in our feast.


     A few days later, after multiple training sessions and per Victor's promise, we were on our way to the main park. Victor's discovery of the two of us had been a big deal, and I knew the other dragonets had heard of it. Kate and I shyly kept our minds closed to the mind link. We wanted to see them all first, and we were both afraid of what they would say to us or what they're reactions would be. I knew we had nothing to worry about, but I was still nervous. It was comical to Victor that we were so nervous. He knew relationships between dragonets ran deep and strong and wasn't worried one bit.

     I kept my eyes on the grass as he walked into the main park. I could smell them already. As soon as he unclipped our leashes, I could see dragonets catapulting themselves out of their hiding spots and all but tackling Kate and I. As I lowered my barriers to the general link, I could hear their cries of joy.

     "I knew nothing could stop the most feared dragonet in the facility!"

     "What happened to you guys?!"

     "I'm so happy!"


     A tidal wave of emotions and voices crashed into me, making me feel overwhelmed. The amount of nuzzles, bumps, and licks I got made me warm all over. I was overcome with emotion as I flew around with my friends. I was so happy to see them, the happiest I've ever been in my entire life.

     Victor sat nearby, hiding his face behind his hair as his shoulders shook. Oh, he's such a baby! After our joyous reunion, Kate and I told our story of how we survived in the forest. All was quiet as they formed a circle around us and listened intently, when we were finished, shock was the only thing that was in the mindlink. I smiled as I saw a familiar dragonet approach me. The ex-spy. During our time in the facility, he was the one who always kept me in check, making sure I didn't go overboard. I shrieked happily as I bounded over to him. I nuzzled him and thrummed happily.

     "I really am glad to see you again, Missy. I'm proud the both of you managed to escape the facility and survive for eight years in the forest. I am even more impressed you guys came to trust a Kymari. It takes a strong dragonet to accomplish such feats."

     Everyone chirped in agreement while I bashfully hid under my wing, "It was no big deal."

     For hours after that, we caught up and Kate and I were swarmed with new fledglings. I was so high on happiness that I was sure nothing could sour my mood. I was glad I had such an amazing family that loved me unconditionally, as did I.

 Please leave your votes and comments, I would greatly appreciate it. ^.^ Give a girl some love!

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