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Chapter Twelve


     "When are you going to move into your new home? It's about time you get out of this apartment!" The Kymari woman, whose name I learned was Melissa, laughed. I loathed her. The longer she stayed, the more that terrible smell of the sicora stuck. It was disgusting!

     Kate and I remained under the heat lamp, pretending not to pay any mind to her or Victor's conversation.

     "The house will be done by next week," Victor replied, "Now that you mention it, I better start packing."

     Melissa giggled, "I can help you if you want."

     I hissed internally at the suggestion. I did NOT want that woman here. Thankfully, Victor agreed with me.

     "That's okay. I have it all under control."

     I could see Melissa's eyes flare up with anger before it was completely squashed. She only nodded respectively before focusing her attention on us. Kate and I tensed.

     "I wished she'd just leave already," Kate whimpered softly into my mind. I immediately felt my emotions flip like a switch. My tiny body shook with barely concealed rage as I glared angrily at the woman. I was also very annoyed with Victor. Can't he see how uncomfortable that woman was making us?!

     "They're both so very pretty. May I pet one of them?"

     Fuck no! Victor stared at us for a moment, and I sent my harsh glare over in his direction. I loved him, and I knew he liked that woman, but that did not mean I would allow her to touch me, especially since she was cloaked in that horrid stench. If she touched me, there would be absolutely no promise that I wouldn't set her ass on fire.

     Instead of waiting like any other Kymari would have done, she stood up and quickly made her way over to us. Kate whimpered and I stood up on my hind legs. I spread my wings and mantled them over Kate, extending my claws and hissing fiercely at the woman. I wanted to gag. With her being so close, the smell was even more intense. It took every ounce of self-control to not flame this stupid woman right where she stood.

The woman glared hatefully at me, and I hissed again.

     Victor stood up and the woman quickly put on a scared expression before Victor stepped in front of her. His expression of disbelief and disappointment hurt. He'd never looked at us like that. Nudging Kate, we both took to the air and flew out to the small backyard. We both landed in the tub and I got to work scrubbing Kate's scales. Soon after, Melissa left and Victor joined us in the backyard. As soon as he neared us, I hissed angrily at him. His eyes widened in surprise as he stepped back.

     "Why did you allow that bitch in our home!" I seethed as I glared angrily at her. His expression turned into one of anger at my incredibly rude and disrespectful tone.

     "What's your problem?! Melissa had been nothing but nice to all of us and meant you no harm! I don't understand why.."

     I catapulted myself into the air and hovered above him and cut him off with a screech of anger, "Kate and I have lived in the wild for years! We both know a dangerous creature when we see one, and she's one of them! Didn't you see how uncomfortable she was making me and how frightened Kate was?! Didn't you see that threatening look in her eyes?! And that's not all! She reeked of those disgusting sicora! It took everything inside of me not to set her ass on fire! And now she's brought that disgusting smell to our home! I can't even go in there without wanting to set the place on fire! You're so dense! I bet all you saw was a potential mate!"

     His eyes were wide with shock as he shook his head in denial. Growling, I went back to Kate who was now whimpering quietly. I ignored Victor as I softly worked on cleaning Kate's scales.

     "B-but I grew up with Melissa. There's no way she's as horrible as you're making her seem!"

      I glared angrily at him. Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and flew into his chest. He held me softly as he rubbed my back.

     "Victor, you have known Kate and me for a while now. Have we ever lied to you? I even accepted your other friends that visited that one time because I could sense that they were allies! But she, she's not an ally. As soon as we approached her, I could smell the sicora all over her! Victor, you have quickly become apart of our flock, and any relationships between dragonets run strong and deep. I would never lead you astray or lie to you! I'm better than that!"

     Sighing heavily, Victor sat down on the ground beside us and I hopped back into the tub where I finished up washing Kate's scales. When I finished, she did the same for me and Victor oiled us down with that glorious oil that I loved so much.

     "I never would have thought Melissa would be dangerous. I knew she was a researcher, but I didn't think she was doing anything that would be frowned upon. If you guys are correct about her, she needs to visit the hospital."

     I could feel my entire body relax. I was glad he was taking the both of us seriously. Kate nuzzled him and he scratched the back of her ear tuffs, smiling fondly at her. I relaxed in his lap, too comfortable to move.

     "If she really smelled of sicora, that means I'll need to air out the house. I'm sure that smell will make you guys uncomfortable. I promise not to let Melissa into my home again, instead, we'll meet in a public place where you guys can feel safer. Maybe a park."

     "Thank you," Kate chirped, "For believing us."

     Victor took the both of us in his arms and held us close.

     "I'll always believe you.

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