t h i r t e e n

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Chapter Thirteen


     I lounged next to Kate as I chatted with the other dragonets. Today was one of the days we visited the main park, and as always, we gossiped.

     "How did you not flame her?! I'm sure that if I smelled the sicora scent on her, I wouldn't be able to control myself!" A bronze dragonet asked, his eyes wide with shock.

     As soon as we landed in the main park, Kate and I told the others about Melissa. Needless to say, the dragonets were shocked that Kate and I managed to keep ourselves in control.

     "Well, when you live outside the walls, you quickly learn that you can't go around flaming any creature you deem hostile. Sicora are everywhere in the forest, so their scent was always on the wind. And don't even get me started on the number of crawlers. Missy and I had eight years to train ourselves to reign in our instinct to attack and flee. That's the only reason we're alive now."

     The ex-spy shook his head, "As much as I hate to admit it, I think I would have flamed her."

     I chuckled, "I almost did flame her butt when she tried to pet me. No way in hell was I letting her touch me or Kate!"

     Laughter filled the mindlink.

     "After she left, Missy demanded that Victor air out the house, because there was no way we were staying in there," Kate laughed, "The smell still stinks of her a little, but we're moving soon so, I will be glad to leave that place."

     A blue dragonet snorted, "You guys have some serious self-control. I wouldn't be able to last a second around any place that smelled of sicora."

     I looked over to Victor who was lounging on the grass, a respectable distance away as to not frighten the dragonets. I'd learned that just last year, the dragonets learned to tolerate the Kymari, but didn't allow them to get to close. All of us had bad memories of the humans and the White Aliens, so I completely understood their fear. The only reason Victor shared such a tight bond with Kate and I was because he didn't try and force us to obey him. He was patient and was never hostile towards us. He was always very kind.

     "That Kymari," the ex-spy began, "How is your relationship with him?"

     I looked into his eyes that were full of Kymari, but also held a bit of distrust. Kate and I shared a look before opening the mindlink and sharing our feelings with the flock.

     Their eyes were wide with shock. They found it unfathomable that Kate and I were completely at ease with another intelligent being.

     "He takes care of us," Kate replied as she got comfortable in the grass, "Over the few months we've known him, he's quickly become as important to us as you guys are to us. Back when we were outside the walls, he risked his safety day after day just to gain our trust. He never grew impatient or tried to hurt us. He brought us treats and told us about you guys. We aren't locked in cages like we were before. We may not be free as you guys are, but in exchange for that, we get to hunt sicora."

     "We spent so many years running from those disgusting creature," I hissed, "We had so many close encounters. Being unable to live peacefully and constantly looking over our shoulder felt like I was in a cage. With Victor, we're safe. We can make a difference and actually have a life. Long story short, we love him."

     I hummed as I thought of when we first met him and how I held so much distrust and fear in my heart. He had chipped that away day by day and had wedged himself into my heart.

     "Neither of us trusted him at first, we were cordial with him since he learned of our intelligence early on, but we didn't trust him, not one bit. But as I spent time with him and talked with him, I asked myself why are we treating the Kymari as if they were the ones who turned us into lizards and locked us in cages? Why are we treating the Kymari like those white aliens who took very important people away from us? Of course, our fears are well justified, but the Kymari has never done anything wrong to us. The best part about being with Victor is that we can be ourselves. We don't have to act like mere animals. He treats us like people, respects us and listens to us. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else except for my Victor's side."

     Everyone was silent as they pondered over our words. I closed my eyes and nuzzled up to Kate. I was a little embarrassed having laid myself bare for everyone to see, but it also felt good. I wanted the other dragonets to know that constantly being scared of something was no way to live. During my time as a human, I was always afraid of what the next day was going to bring. Would I finally get something to eat? Would father let me bathe tonight? Will I receive more beatings today?

     It was hell constantly being afraid of him. With this new body came a new me. I wasn't going to just take anything anymore. I would stand up for myself and the people I held dear. I would never allow anyone to put me in such vulnerable position ever again.

     "Wow," a scarlet dragonet finally whispered, "I never thought it was possible for a dragonet to get close to another intelligent race."

     "Tasha did it, Serena and Tom did too. They all said something similar to what these two just said. They have no regrets, and I admire them for it. They live without being bound by the chains from their past. I only wish that I could be the same," The ex-spy spoke as he stretched his wings. I nuzzled him and he smiled softly.

     "This life isn't for everyone, but I wouldn't have it any other way," I chuckled. He hummed and we all fell quiet, basking lazily under the sun.


     I snarled angrily as that familiar, disgusting scent of the crawler reached my nose. Kate growled angrily, lifting her nose into the air to detect where the horrid thing was nesting. I took to the air and circled around a room full of cargo. As soon as I spotted the disgusting creature, I shot out a fireball. It squealed a high pitched squeal and I grinned. Victor quickly lifted me off the ground and backed away from the crawler. The other Kymari immediately got to work killing the wretched life form. As soon as it was dead, it's disgusting scent disappeared.

     "So much better," Kate hummed as she readjusted herself on Victor's shoulder pad. I immediately agreed as I made my way back up to his right shoulder, testing the air before I deemed the ship clear.

     The rest of the day went off without a hitch, and I was glad when we got home and I was able to relax.

Pretty calm chapter today. ^.^ Hope you all like.

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