t w e n t y

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Chapter Twenty

Victor was always known as a big softie and too nice to really get mad at anyone, but today, everyone saw a side of him they knew they didn't ever want to see again. Victor never knew the felling of unfiltered rage. He was a nice person, and never took like to seriously, but when he finally came to and realized what happened, he was like a raging tsunami, showing no mercy to anyone who was stupid enough to cross his path.

Victor sat in the meeting, his entire body shaking as the elders worked to locate his beloved bond animals. His eyes were practically glued to his wrist comm, checking for their heartbeat and the loading icon as it tried to track down the lizards' location. His heart was heavy with worry and a sense of betrayal he'd never known.

He held the crushed bracelet tightly in his hands, unable to keep from shaking. To think that the woman I loved would do me like this. I was so stupid! Tears leaked from his eyes as he thought of all the ways Kate and Missy could be hurt. The main question that hung in his heart was why. Why had she done this to him? What did he do to deserve such a fate? Cassidy had been like a flower, always smiling softly and looking at him with such kind beautiful eyes, always laughing at his lame jokes and always eager to listen to his stories. He never realized the poisonous thorns she hid under her soft pedals.

If they ever find her, I will show her no mercy!

A thunderous voice suddenly brought Victor out of his dark thoughts, "We have found the location!"

Victor was ecstatic and extremely relieved.

I'm coming, Missy, I'm coming, Kate, just hang in there!"


My throat had become sore from the constant stream of flame I kept releasing from my body. I refused to stop though; I wanted to set everything on fire. Kate whimpered fearfully, making me all the angrier. Kate and I were trapped in a dark and cramped place. I knew that it just had to be a bag of some sorts, and a fireproof one at that. Why must everything be so flame resistant?!

"Stupid lizards," I heard a familiar voice snarl, "Always getting in the way of Victor and me! I'll show him, after tonight, he'll be all mine!" My heart dropped, I knew I smelled something rancid. I should have known Melissa would make another move. She was a sick Kymari who was infatuated with Victor; she wasn't going to sit still for long.

'Victor will never love you!' I wanted to scream, but I had learned my lesson about speaking so freely. Kate and I's intelligence was our only advantage against this psycho Kymari.

Hearing her mention Victor's name made my heart ache. If we were in this predicament, that meant that something must have happened to him. I wish so badly that Kate and I hadn't fallen asleep. He was our partner that we were supposed to protect, and we failed him. I didn't want to believe it at first, but there wasn't any other explanation as to who could get Victor's guard down enough so that they could capture us. This was Cassidy's doing. She had made contact with is solely for the purpose of helping this sick woman.

I released a screech as Kate and I were suddenly tossed somewhere. It didn't take me long to figure out that we were in a cage. The sound of a click and retreating footsteps alerted me that we were locked inside and Melissa had left to god knows where.

As soon as I registered the fact that she was gone, a smell like no other almost knocked me unconscious. I gagged and peeked out of the bag, my heart dropping when I saw that we were surrounded by sicora. The entire room was filled with sicora, and we were inside of a small cage in the middle of the room. I whimpered fearfully and scurried back inside of the bag. Why didn't they attack Melissa?

"I can smell them," Kate whispered her voice shaky, "We're surrounded by sicora, aren't we?"

I remained silent, not wanting to scare her more than she already was, although, my silence was an answer as well. My body shook with rage as I resisted the urge to flame. Getting them angry wouldn't be good, especially since this flimsy little cage was all that separated us from those monstrous beasts. I snuggled up beside Kate and tried to contact Victor, but I was so frightened that I couldn't concentrate.

"What is that witch going to do to us?" Kate hissed quietly as she shook slightly.

"We have to find a way to get out of here," I whispered to Kate, "Melissa doesn't know of our intelligence, that's our advantage. I refuse to let that woman do as she pleases with us, and I refuse to allow her to hurt Victor."

Kate agreed. Although we agreed that we needed to come up with a plan, there wasn't anything we could do in a room full of sicora. I stiffened as I heard them approach our cage, sniffing and growling curiously. I clenched my mouth shut. No, flaming them would be suicide. If they get angry, they'll tear through this cage within seconds and we'll be finished.

I made myself comfortable. For now, there was nothing we could do. I could only hope that Victor was alright and that we could escape and be reunited with him.


Short! I know, I am sorry! Life has been hectic and I just focused solely on getting an update out. Please forgive me for leaving you guys on a cliffhanger for so long. 

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