e l e v e n

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Chapter Eleven


     I released a high note as Kate and I did our coordinated dance to the sun. Victor watched with his video recorder out and actively taping us. I didn't care, all I cared about was the morning song and letting the sun know my appreciation. Kate and I shrieked loudly as the morning song came to an end. As we landed, we stayed there a minute or so before turning back to Victor who had just sat down our bowls of fruit and water.

     "Breakfast time!"

     With excited chirps, Kate and I rushed over. Soon after, I lay on my back, lazily sunbathing.

     "I've been meaning to ask," Victor began as he swallowed the last of his breakfast, "Every morning when I record your song, I notice that each song somehow differs from the other and despite that, you guys always know how to sing it and the dance. How do you do that?"

     I closed my eyes, relishing in the glorious heat of the sun.

     "Every morning is different from the others," Kate whispered as she stretched, "Some mornings are sad while others are happy. Some come fast while others are slow. Some are covered with clouds while others are clear. Some have more colors while some are just simple. So many differences. Our songs are meant to resonate perfectly with each morning, as well as our dance. The sun tells us what to do, and we always follow its orders."

     Victor seemed shocked at Kate revealed this. I grinned at his face. Kate couldn't have described the Morning Song more perfectly.

      "Wow, Victor mumbled, " I never knew there were so many differences with each morning. Wow."

     He laughed as he shook his head in disbelief.

     "You fire-lizards are pretty amazing."

     I chirped as I sat up on my haunches and shook my wings.

     "Indeed we are!"

      With a chuckle, he stood up and walked into the house. I drunk a few sips of water as I watched him come out with his shoulder pads, gloves and those fireproof harnesses he used to train us. I narrowed my eyes at them. Having gone eight years without clothes, having to put on that harness was slightly annoying. I was even more annoyed with the microscopic tracker Victor stuck us with shortly after we arrived.

     Well, at least it's not annoying. I thought as I scratched my flank where the tracker was located. This tracker was more complex than the others. I wasn't annoyed with the tracker itself, I was annoyed that I was being tracked. I was free for a long time, and now Victor would know where I was at all times. The only reason I wasn't throwing a fit was because I knew these trackers were meant to protect us.

     I willingly allowed Victor to slip on the harness before flying to his shoulder. Kate followed suit and we were soon on our way to the park where Victor had been training us for about two weeks. I had the commands down, but Victor was extremely thorough in everything he did and wanted to make sure the commands stuck.

     We always took turns when training. Kate would go first and then I would go. We would spend about two hours each training, then we would go some. Twice a week, he would take us to the main park and let us interact with the other dragonets. I loved the system we had. In about two weeks, Kate and I would be eligible to start checking trade ships and all that jazz.

     It was very exciting and Kate and I were very excited. After spending eight years running from sicora, I was glad we were the ones doing the hunting. Seeing those wretched things dead would be glorious.

     Kate flew over to my side, munching on some sunburst berries and a small piece of Shia fruit. I stood up and stretched.

     "Missy, to fist!"

     Two hours later, I was sitting beside Kate and munching on the prizes from my training. Victor lay beside us, his hair splayed all around his face. I jumped onto his chest and proceeded to get comfortable. Kate giggled and flew over. As Aeria said, Kate's eye was healed after Victor dedicated himself to helping her heal. It was as if she was never scratched. I was relieved, and the morning songs cleansed my heart of guilt, but I swore I'd never raise another claw to anyone that I loved ever again.

     "You guys ready to go?"

     "Yes! And I want an oil massage!"

     Victor stood up and we flew to his shoulders. Kate and I were chattering excitedly about our trip to the main park tomorrow when we reached home. I lifted my nose into the air and immediately became uneasy. Kate and I were immediately alert as we walked towards the entrance of our home, our eyes narrowing at the Kymari woman who was standing in front of Victor's door.

     As soon as he saw her, he flushed with embarrassment and scratched the back of his neck. She smiled brightly as she approached us, keeping a respectable distance from us.

     "Hi, sorry for dropping by, I just wanted to see the two fire lizards!" she chirped as she smiled at the both of us. Her bright eyes and smile would have thrown anyone else for the loop, but I knew something wasn't right. I could see the malice she had in her eyes, I could see how hard she had her fists clenched as she held them behind her. And that wasn't all.

     "She's dangerous," Kate whispered frantically into my mind. My body tensed as Kate confirmed my suspicion. I raised my ear tuffs and sat up on my haunches, keeping my eyes on the woman as I turned my head towards Kate.

     "I know, I can smell it too," I whispered.

     The woman was cloaked in the wretched smell of the sicora.

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