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-1 year later-

The sun was nice and warm as I lay out on the sand next to my mate. I closed my eyes as I took a deep breath. This is heavenly. Max stretched out and hit me with his tail, arousing me from my nap.

'I guess it's time for you to go, Victor is making his way over,' Max informed me as he stood up. I lazily twisted my head to see Victor walking calmly over to us.

Groaning, I flopped lazily back onto the sand and made Victor pick me up because I refused to move. I allowed my body to fall limp as Victor picked my sorry butt up off the sand. Kate, who was perched on Victor's shoulder, shook her head at me.

Max flew up from his position on the sand and bumped my nose before hesitantly flying off. I sighed. I didn't like being separated from Max, but he wasn't fully ready to share my lifestyle. Not yet that is.

"I wonder when he's going to stop being so stubborn and just come with us," Kate huffed. I grinned and relaxed on Victor's shoulder, saying goodbye to everyone as we made our way out of the park. The guard who stood at the entrance of the gate nodded politely at us. Since the incident with Kate and me, the Kymari were even more serious about protecting us fire-lizards. Anyone who wanted to see the morning song had a guide, and no one was allowed to get to close.

Kate and I's ordeal also prompted more fire-lizards to join in the search and extermination of sicora. I was glad that the Kymari and fire-lizards were working together.

Even though it had been a year, everyone was still tense.

Melissa still has not been found, and it has been assumed that she escaped off-world. That was the only plausible explanation as to why she hadn't been found seeing as the Kymari search every corner of the earth for her. Cassidy was nowhere to be found either. She was just as elusive as Melissa. Even though Victor never admitted it to us, I knew Cassidy's betrayal hurt him deeply. He was head over heels for her. I hated Cassidy for what she had done to us, but I still wanted an explanation. I wanted to know how she even knew Melissa, and why was she okay with Melissa kidnapping us and hurting Victor.

I guess I'll never know.

Since then, Victor had become fiercely protective of us. He rarely let us out of his sight now, and would not allow anyone he didn't know to make any contact with us. Since Cassidy, he hadn't moved on and opted to stay alone. I wanted him to move on and learn to trust people again, but I could not force him and would stand by his decision.

Another question that had the Elders and the rest of the fire-lizards' attention was how Melissa was able to tame the sicora. How did she do it? No one knew that the sicora could be trained, which raised even more fear. Melissa could possibly launch an attack on the Kymari with the sicora. If that happened...

I shook my scales, not wanting to think about it.

"I want some crayfish, now!" I selfishly declared. Kate once again shook her head at me and Victor sighed in defeat.

"You aren't going to give up on this, are you?" Victor laughed as he walked towards the market. I shook my head.

"Always so greedy," Kate hummed as she flicked me on her tail. I flicked her back and we soon launched into a battle with our tails. Poor Victor had to endure both Kate and I attacking each other all the while messing up his hair. We continued our assault on each other all the way to the market, ignoring the other Kymari as they laughed at Victor's blank face. It was amazing how used to this he was.

Kate and I settled down when we entered the market. Poor Victor's hair was a rat's nest. His neck was red in embarrassment as he tried to smooth down his rebellious strands of hair.

"You look good with your hair like that," I teased. He huffed before walking over to the crayfish stand and buying a large bag. I then directed him down the aisles where I pointed out the herbs and fruit that I wanted.

As soon as we got home, Kate and I prepared the food. When it was done, we all migrated to the backyard where we stuffed our bellies.

That night, I remained awake, unable to get any real sleep. Since Kate and I had been rescued, sleep had eluded me. If we had not been asleep back then, we wouldn't have been kidnapped. It had been a year and that woman still struck fear inside of my heart. I could only hope that she was found and dealt with, otherwise, we all would be in danger.

With a sigh, I snuggled up next to Victor and forced myself to sleep. There wasn't any reason to be so scared.

For now, we were safe.


Please leave your votes and comments, and thank you all for reading my story, I really appreciate all of the comments and votes I got. This story has been very fun to write. ^.^

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