n i n e t e e n

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Chapter Nineteen


     Thick droplets of rain fell from the sky, sliding off my scales as I danced for the sun that was hidden behind the clouds. Although the sun wasn't there, I could feel that it was there. A low hum left my lips as Kate and I finished our performance. I landed on the rock Kate and I always performed on and stared up at the sky. I felt uneasy. I didn't know why I had such a bad feeling, but I did.

Kate didn't seem to be bothered and had a blissful look on her face as the pull of the morning song faded. I reluctantly brushed the feeling aside and shook out my scales, creating a tinkling noise. Climbing off the rock, I allowed Victor to dry off my scales before entering the house.

Cassidy, who had been watching our performance from the kitchen window, smiled at me. She didn't know of Kate and I's intelligence, so I didn't feel inclined to greet her. I was glad we were off today. With the way I was feeling, I wasn't sure if I was up for inspecting any trade ships, plus, this rain was not something that I wanted to work in.

Kate followed me to our heat lamp and we both snuggled together as the heat lamp warmed our scales. Although singing the morning song was amazing, the rain and the low temperature quickly chilled my tiny body.

"Do they sing like that every morning?" I heard Cassidy ask as she and Victor walked into the living room. I spared them a glance before I settled into a light sleep.


I sipped a cup of herbal tea as I listened as Victor went on and on about his two fire lizards, whose names I learned were Missy and Kate. He was very talkative, and usually, I would have been annoyed with someone who wouldn't stop talking, but I loved hearing his stories about his adventures with his fire lizards. Hunting sicora sounded amazing and very fulfilling.

"They both are so good at scenting sicora, and their noses have never been wrong!" Victor gushed. His radiant smile made my heart skip a beat and I blushed. Victor was a great man, and his fire lizards were beautiful, and I would have loved to deepen the relationship that had blossomed between us, but I couldn't. I faked a laugh as Melissa's black eyes and devious smile invaded my mind. Images of my sister she held hostage plagued me, causing my heart to clench painfully. If only my sister's life wasn't in danger, I would have reported her to the Elders a long time ago.

I hated what I was about to do to Victor, but I had to free my sister, and I loved my sister much more than I loved Victor.

"Oh!" I laughed as I reached into my purse and pulled out a box of tea. I held it up in front of Victor and he eyed the small box with curiosity before standing up and taking the box from my hands.

"I made it," I whispered as I shyly glanced down at my feet, "I hope you like it."

It didn't take him long to make the tea. He sat down two cups and I picked mine up, pretending to take a sip. He took a large gulp and immediately, the drug I ground into the tea took effect. My innocent expression turned blank as I watched him from my place on the couch. He looked at me in alarm and went to punch something in his wrist comm, but I grabbed my hidden energy weapon and blasted him in the chest.

I heard the soft humming of the fire lizards as they started to wake up and I grabbed a fireproof net that Melissa managed to get her hands on. Since the lizards were groggy, I managed to get them inside of the neck and into my bag. The lizards were wide awake now, and I could feel the heat as they tried to burn their way through my bag, but it was also fireproof. I turned towards Victor and kissed him softly on the head.

"Please forgive me," I whispered into his ears.

Not wanting to linger, I made my way to the backyard and called Melissa. After confirming that I had the fire lizards, I took off the wrist comm and destroyed it. I kept the broken wrist comm with me, deciding that I was going to burn it later to make sure that it wouldn't be found. The hissing and whimpering coming from the fire lizards was hard to listen to, but I had to save my sister. I had to.

The pounding rain mixed with my tears as I cried silently. I hated that I had to do this, hated that I had allowed Melissa to take advantage of me and my sister. Since our parents died, it had only been me and Christy. She was all that I had left.

A black space shuttle approached the home and hovered in the backyard. A ramp slid from the shuttle and I climbed aboard. Melissa met me at the entrance and snatched the bag away from me, smiling at me with that beautiful smile that hid her true intentions. As promised, she handed me a key to where my sister was being kept and I snatched it out of her hands.

"I hope you rot in hell," I growled.

I made my way out of the shuttle and went to get my sister. Just wait, Christy, I'm coming!

0.0 OOOOOHHHHHH, the shiz has hit the fan! Please like and comment, I would greatly appreciate it. 

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