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"You son of a bitc-..." I uttered but he cut me off with a smug response. " Ah Ah you I wouldn't dare if I was you!" I slowly shut my mouth. I learnt that he would got to extreme measures to keep me under his power.

He sat there and watched me intently, he continued to look until I looked at where his gaze kept going. My thigh had specks of dried blood. My golden caramel skin was now mixed with blood. Horror filled my face and I quickly grabbed my ripped under materiel to cover it.

My body instantly shuddered a shudder that only someone who was hurt like me went through. I looked at him in the eyes, holding in my tears and pain. My pride wouldn't allow me to show any emotion other than anger. I buried them the moment he snatched me from Suha and my home. A place where I felt like no one couldn't hurt me. A place where I felt relaxed and carefree. Now I lay half bleeding in a dimly lit room with a monster to be husband. One I was to forcibly share a bed, my body and the worst of all have children who will carry half of his genes.

As I realised the turbulence I was about to face ahead, his shadow moved along and my eyes flickered to his silhouette right in front of me. He knelt down and looked me dead in the eyes before his slender rough hands grabbed my jaw hard.

" You don't need to hide our little fun. I'm sure next time you will enjoy it better. I should've waited till we were newlywed but I couldn't resist. I'm sure you enjoyed it as-well"

My stomach turned as he whispered those words to me. His sadistic face bore into my face as I looked angrily into his face. My mouth became dry as I struggled to utter a single word.

" The wedding is tomorrow and I expect you to be ready. Be presentable and if you dare as even breath a sigh or huff and I find out , what we had will be a walk in the beach".

He harshly left go of my jaw and got up and left the room. Slamming it in the process. I breathed a sigh of relief that I maintained my composure.

I tried to lift my aching legs and slowly lifted myself off the floor. With every stride I hissed and hissed until I got to the large bathroom. The room was spacious and elegantly decorated. The floor was a dark blue shinny marble design. To my left sat a big bathtub that was so big three people could fit in it.  It was a shiny white marble texture, my reflection radiating from it in faint streaks. Further down the bathroom a basin sink was also designed from the finest white marble. He was from royal blood so obviously he was going to be given the most finest home interior.

I quickly turned on the water , the water gushing and filling up the tub. I removed my ripped dress and untangled my hair from its braid and slowly lifted my leg from the floor and dunked it in. My body instantly relaxed under the warm water. As I entered my whole body in I was blown away by the warmth and calmness it has brought to my soul and body.

However, it was short lived as the cloudy water turned cloudy red. My mind instantly replayed my ordeal and graphic images of his smile, sinister dead eye burning into my soul. I started to frantically scrub my body, my body started to sting and burn as blisters started to form on my body.

My body started to tremble as my emotions flooded from my body. I started to to cry , my chest heaving up and down from uncontrollable tears. I couldn't take it anymore and the thought of this happening to Suha made me sick to my stomach. I begged that nothing like this ever came her way, that she was safe and secure. But alas that was not true and another wave of tears escaped my eyes. I whimpered in agony, but not from physical pain but emotional pain. He ruined my life in the most inhuman way.

As I sat there for a few more moments before I wiped my tears and got out of the bath. One thing that he didn't witness was my emotional breakdown. I was so grateful that a bit of my dignity stayed interact.

However, as I was about to wrap myself with a towel that lay on the stool next to the basin , two large women , built like a clean shaven soldier stepped in with boxes with so many jewellery, hair products and two wedding dresses. I gripped my towel hard enough that the ladies could see my discomfort.

" We are here by the orders of the prince to have you prepared for the royal wedding". As they spoke those words I stepped back and started to scream at them to leave me alone.

" My lady please do not fight us because we will be punished if we don't get you ready. I have a young child that I want to see grow up. She's gorgeous as you and I know you feel helpless and scared but one thing you should know is he's hurting. Something made him like this. I beg you to please listen to me, I think Blake in....love with you", I stood there gobsmacked.

How dare she even utter his name in my direction. He wouldn't even know if love smacked him in the face. He was a monster and incapable of love let alone a hug. I would be damned to even accept her bullshit theory. I don't care about him and if he died now I would dance on his grave.

But one thing I knew was that I was not going to in danger another person especially at the hands of him. She didn't deserve to suffer and I felt a tad bit better because I knew I held some power in protecting innocent servants.

After a few moments I nodded fit her to come and fix me up. They started to ensure my bust and hips , measuring my hair length and then getting necklaces and ear-rings that would match my skin tone; in the end going for silver instead of gold. I stood patiently until they were done. They explained that the measurements for my hips and bust was simply to see which dress would fit my petit body.

They even measured my feet to make sure there was not a single flaw. The wedding was going to be less than 24 hours and my body started to heat up, sweat now evident.

The lady gently put her hand on my shoulder and I instantly jerked my head in her direction. She spoke softly , her words flowing like a mockingbird singing in the early morning, " please be patient my child. I promise you you will have him at your mercy. I can see him kiss the ground you walk in. For I said it once and I shall say it twice, he's in love with you and he nor you realise it. But with time you two will grow to love each other".

With those words playing in my mind the old lady and her assistant both gathered the wedding attire and left the room.

I stood there confused and uncomfortable with this revelation. How could she say something so raw to me. Especially at a time of desperate need for comfort and protection. I needed Suha. She needed me and I cried for her return. She was practically a sister to me.

One thing that I also begged for was. For him to not rerun to his chambers tonight. Because tonight was the last night I was ever going to sleep alone. 

His forced love(BWWM) (interracial)         (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now