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When you dream you tend to dream about uncontrollable things, people and scenarios. And other times dreams come from the subconscious mind. It's something that is playing in your mind. My dream was wishing I lived a life other than this.

I remember the envious looks I got when I was getting married to Blake. The jealousy that was oozing out. Green with envy. But if they only knew what he did they would be running for the hills. Greed and power brainwashed him and the only way forward for him was that. He knew nothing else.

I felt words apart and wished it stayed that way but alas like all dreams they come to an end. A sharp stinging pain traveled just below my abdomen and I roared up , gasping for air. I clenched my stomach hoping it would go away but as the pain intensified my groaning grew louder.

" Do something damn it! Came Blake's voice. Instantly my neck twisted to the direction of his voice whilst I withered in pain.

I started to scream and beg for help. "S-someone h-help me" came my agonised voice. This was the worst pain I've ever experienced. It was as if someone was shredding my insides. With every sudden movement my stomach cramped.

Suddenly I felt a hush of warm liquid stream down my legs. I stopped withering for a second to look down my dress. It had turned red. I shared looks with a middle ahead man who had a stethoscope in his hand ready to monitor my heart. I looked back down on the red pool that formed and a scream escaped my mouth.

I felt cold sweaty hands hold my left arm down I looked to see two nurses holding my arm and lower body from moving whilst they injected something into my arm. Instantly my body started to ache less and less until my body became painless and I lay there limp. They must've injected something strong because it seemed as I was lightheaded but I was aware and not knocked out asleep.

There was only little jabs here and there but I could cope with the pain. I lay there for a few minutes until I saw Blake standing there confused and looking...worried.

Blake saw me looking at him and he quickly looked away.He looked shameful and uncomfortable but I knew it was another of his theatrical performances for being the most innocent and harmless man to the people who worshiped his every move.

I breathed a sigh of exhaustion when the doctor spoke. His accent sounded Cornish and I was finding it a bit difficult to understand but I tried to listen carefully praying and begging that the pain wouldn't return.

" Your highness, we suspect that her majesty is suffering from a miscarriage. We can confirm this because of many medical symptoms she has shown. One major symptom being blood clot discharge present . I am deeply sorry for your loss and we will do everything we can to make sure Brianna is healthy and back in good shape".

Bewildered, confuses and shocked are the emotions that floated to my brain. I lost a baby. I lost a human being. An uncomfortable sob escaped my mouth. I have never sobbed so pathetically but for once I didn't care who's aw me at my peak end. My body shook as I tried to calm myself down. But another pool of tears came and I was on the brink of fainting from this strain to my chest and head.

I felt a hbd on my shoulder and when I looked up I saw Blake trying to....comfort me. In that moment all I saw was red because I shot up from my bed like a lightening bolt and I swing my arms and landed a slap on his face. He stumbled back caught of guard and I used that to my advantage as I continued to scratch, scream, curse and punch his body and face.

" You killed my baby, you monster...I fucking hate your sadistic ass and I will kill you for this. I promise you that!" I bellowed hysterically.

Two guards ran in and got me off him as I tried to lung for him again. The doctor was shouting for me to lie back down as I was still very weak  and ill. My breathing continued to increase as I felt droplets of sweat coming down my face.

The guards gently put me down whilst I still fought for them to let me go. Their grip was iron steel but it wasn't painful. When I realised they weren't going to let me go I eventually settled down and turned my head away from him. Holding the tears that were forming my eyes.

The doctor spoke up again but this time for Blake to leave the room because my life was in his hands and if he was responsible for causing a medical error he would be severely punished.  The Russia of footsteps and the creaking and slamming of the door indicated that he left.

The guards let go of me and they too left the room. The doctor came to my bedside with the assistance of two more nurses. They all surrounded my bed; their heads inclined in remorse and condolences.

" Your majesty were are so sorry and unfortunate in meeting under these circumstances. I would really recommend that you follow my instructions to get well and hopefully enjoy your honeymoon and return to your duti-".  When he said honeymoon I became angry once more and angrily cut him off before he could speak.

" Honeymoon?!" I screamed in his face.

He tensed instantly and started to mumble words of apology but I was having none of it and ordered for him to get out do the room. The nurses joined him apart from one and I gave her a glare that indicated for her to follow my orders but she had a trait I instantly recognised. Stubbornness.

I started to feel too weak to argue and included my head for her to speak.

" Please at least let me clean you up. I know this is so scary and saddening but it has happened to me and I promise you I will help you with the utmost respect and treatment". I gave her a sad smile and she got to work.

An hour later she gently got me undressed and cleaned. She stripped the bed and provided me with pain relief once more. She then proceed to sit down on a stool and further explain to me what this meant for me. Whether I could have another child again, whether I was going to die.

" No your majesty you will definitely have children again. I will explain it to once more please listen. So you said to me you had sex with Blake a couple of weeks before the royal wedding. When I calculated it it would seem you had an early miscarriage. It is when the baby is underdeveloped and the problem is unlikely to happen again". I eventually nodded and said my kindness regards for her support.

" I thank you for being an excellent nurse and I will defiantly reward you greatly. I will like for you to inform the others that you have supported me and that I would like to rest".

She stood up and was about to leave before I said..

" What is your name?"

"Sofia your majesty" she said.

I breathed a sign of exhaustion and said

" Thank you"

As she closed the door behind her I slowly drifted to sleep as a tear escaped my bloodshot red eye.

His forced love(BWWM) (interracial)         (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now