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6 Months Later

I was now beginning to show, Blake was ten times more annoying and invasive. Even though, he meant well and I could see it it was a tad bit annoying when someone was constantly checking up on you. Sharing a bed became unbearable that now Blake slept with another mattress on the floor.

" Blake are you awake ?" I whispered.

" I am now, what is wrong ?" He sighed. I rolled over to my left and started to complain about how this bed was uncomfortable, he rolled out of the mattress and began to stack up pillows that were on the side of the bed. He told me to sit up and when I did he pushed those pillows underneath my back. I sunk in and best believe when I tell you the backache and constant nudging on the side of my belly disappeared. I looked at him with admiration and began to smile , just before he was about to return to his mattress I grabbed his face and gave him a long snog.

" Thanks !" I exclaimed and smiled sheepishly.

He chuckled and went back to bed. At this point I couldn't even sleep and decided to see if can have a conversation till we both fall asleep.

" Blake ? Are you really looking forward to having children?" I asked.

" Of course, it is something I always wanted, you have shown me my future and you are part of it. I definitely want to be a father" he responded. I smiled and slowly settled until I fell asleep. Silly me fell asleep instantly , I dreamed and dreamed about all sorts of things but I began to dream myself in labour and screaming whilst blood and pain escaped my body. I twitched and started to shuffle and move in bed , my eyebrows began to furrow as I tried to mentally brush away this horrible nightmare. A few minutes of trying to get rid of this dream , my mind began to dream far more dangerous and scary scenarios which included my children badly hurt, bleeding , crying.

I jumped up screaming and crying, sweat forming on my face. I started to flap my arms to try and get away from this dream but Blake began to calm me down by calling my name out and saying I had a bad dream. After what felt like centuries I regained my senses and gripped Blake , he didn't mind my nails digging into his skin as he tried once more to calm me down and rub my back with his free hand. I started to relax but I was worried and was now scared to go back to bed. Blake clocked my discomfort and worry about sleeping and he got up and sat on the bed, my head resting on his chest.

" Brianna , it's just a horrible dream, calm down please and just relax. I won't let anything happen to you or the babies. Rest up now because tomorrow is a busy day of preparing the nursery for our children" he informed. I nodded and slowly sunk into his large frame, my head rested and he pulled me in more until I was a blanket to him. His large hands brushed up against my belly and I felt a sense of calmness. I put my hand on top of his and squeezed it for reassurance and then I slept instantly.

" Brianna ! Wake up, breakfast is ready" I woke up to Blake's voice. He was up and dressed in his blue and gold robe. I rubbed my eyes and stretched whilst groaning. I was so snug and warm but I had to get up , and that's when I felt a pool of vomit forming in my stomach. I quickly pulled myself out of bed before rushing to the toilet and emptied my guts. I groaned and cried and gasped all at the same time. This was the first time I had morning sickness and it was about to get worse. Blake looked at me dumbfounded after I cleaned myself up.

" Are you ok-" said Blake but before he could finish his sentence I cut him off and said I was fine. He didn't say anything else and we both then headed for breakfast in silence, but when I got whiff of the breakfast I began to gag again and ran to the nearest bedroom to vomit again. Blake was hot on my tail and I started to get pissed off. Even though, he was rubbing my back and comforting me I felt so dirty and filthy inside. I did not want him to see me vomit. I felt fucking ashamed and no matter what he said I will not feel comfortable at someone who loves me to watch me suffer.

"Blake for goodness sake stop watching me vomit , can you just leave me alone in private" I scorned. He said sorry and then left the room. A few moments later Suha came in the room along with Dr Andrew , I instantly rolled my eyes and Suha saw it. She got a bit uncomfortable at my mood swing and said that the doctor was summoned by Blake to ensure I was alright.

" Fuck! You people are annoying as hell, I said I'm fine just piss off! I'm sure you wouldn't want to be pestered if two humans are growing inside of you" I shouted.

" Brianna , I know but I still have to check you over so whenever you are ready do get on the bed" Dr Andrew said.

I got on the bed and he lifted my nightdress up, his rather large hands began to push gently down on my belly, I suddenly felt movement so strong it knocked the wind out of my lungs. I regained composure after gripping the doctors arm rather harshly and then began to smile , cry , complain and moan at the same time. I felt the kick of one baby at a time but I never felt four little legs kick me at the same time.

" You are perfectly fine , it just seems that your morning sickness is late rather than at the beginning hence why you didn't know you were pregnant for three months" he explained. I nodded and said my gratitude, he smiled and then left the room. I saw Suha look at Dr Andrew in the most seductive an flirtatious way. I began to smile and snigger as he left.

" What?" She exclaimed.

" Nothing" I said trying to act normal. She began to beg me to tell her why I was all of a sudden smiling and looking at her funny. I finally gave in and explained to her that she definitely was attracted to the doctor.

" No I do not !" She tried to deny it but I knew fully well she was about to embark on a crazy romantic journey, make my words.

We began to tease one another and that's when she brought up me and Blake.

" So do you love him for real?" She asked. I stayed quiet for a moment trying to best explain my answer. But all I could utter was...

" Yes".

His forced love(BWWM) (interracial)         (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now