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Blake's POV/ Narrator

As soon as Blake left Brianna's room he stormed off to his dad's chambers. He was going to tell him to back off because Brianna was his. He knew his dad's antics and they always had this dark hidden agenda. For goodness sake's he's 60 years old and messing with my 22 year old wife. as he was mentally preparing his show down with his dad, his mother came round from the opposite direction. 

He was caught of guard because his mother normally had her 'pampering' sessions with the beauticians. I guess its cancelled he thought to himself. He quickly became stoic as his mother came closer to him ; obviously to speak to her child. 

''Blake honey, are you ok?'' she asked.

'' I'm ok mother , just a bit sleepy!'' he said with a bit of enthusiasm.

She ruffled her eyebrows obviously not believing him but she didn't want to push him to speak about so she utter 'goodnight' to him and then walked off to where ever she was going. He was always close to his mother but ever since his dad fondled him he drifted from her as-well. He couldn't bring himself to tell her what his dad did because it would honestly break her. He was protecting her from the pain but he just couldn't understand why his dad had to ruin everything.

He eventually arrived at his dad's rooms but couldn't find him. He started to look for him asking anyone around him.After a short while of searching for him he found him in the study room. the room was dimly lit but he could see his 'broad' silhouette. the door was ajar so it was good that he didn't have to smash it open like a drama queen.

His dad looked up from the book his was reading and instantly his facial expression became annoyed. ''What do you want Blake?'' he said as he went back to reading. Blake stood there for a while unable to speak. Terror and fear overcame him; something that he never really experienced. 

''Stay away from Brianna!'' his voice shaking.

His dad looked up from his book menacingly. He got up from his chair and walked towards Blake clearly trying to intimidate him. Blake stood there to show his dad that he wasn't afraid of him; or so he thought. The tension was rising as Blake started to feel trickles of sweat coming down his face. They stared at each other intently trying to intimidate one another. Blake could see in his dad's eyes that this was very amusing to him. A smirk built up on his dad's face. Blake started to get more impatient and decide to go back out the door when his dad suddenly spoke.

''She asked me to go for a ride with her'', he chuckled as if it was the most amusing thing he's ever heard.

Blake froze on his tracks.

He instantly started to piece together Brianna's 'suspected' plans. She was up to something because she's never really spoke to his dad. It was mostly his mother to get 'tips' on how to be the good wife and so on. 

He turned to face his dad as a disgusted image started to form on his head. ''Stay away from her! " he threatened this time then walked out the study room.

he started to walk faster and faster until he was sprinting down the hallways into the gardens. He breathed a big sigh and dropped to the floor from exhaustion and feeling overwhelmed. He lay on the ground as the wind gushed past his hair. He could hear the owls hooting, the nosies of crickets. He closed his eyes and tried to meditate. He felt helpless, unloved and unwanted. The woman he chose to be his wife; he abused. His father was a master and his mother was this ghost living in the shadows of his dad. 

He felt overwhelmed with how his life was going and without warning , tears started gushing down his face. He couldn't take this anymore. The pain and struggle he faced was unbearable and now he subjected it to the woman he wanted to feel connected to. He clenched his fists hoping they would rid of his sadness. 

Out of nowhere footsteps started to approach him and there she was. Brianna stood over him. She must of heard the commotion and went to investigate. He didn't open his eyes as he was too busy trying to contain himself.

''Blake are you alright?'' came her timid voice. 

His eyes shot open. He was shocked to find Brianna stood over him.

He sat up as she took a step back. She didn't trust him to be that close to him.

'' I'm fine go off to bed'' he commanded. But like the stubborn girl Brianna was she didn't leave and pestered him for answers. He couldn't figure out why she of all people was actually checking up on him but he felt a little bit happier even if he knew it wasn't going to last.

She sat down next to him and just started ahead. She was looking at the moonlight's flection on the nearby lake when she spoke up again.  There was no denying she was expressing concern for him but he couldn't break down that wall to talk about his feelings. He felt weak if he expressed sadness or pain. But one thing he needed to understand was that she already seen him cry and he told her his most darkest secret. She has seen everything; thats why she didn't backdown when it came to any altercation between them.

He breathed a long sigh and started to explain to her why he didn't want her to go out with his dad without him there.

A little smirk appeared on her face but she quickly concealed it. '' I simply want to get to know my father in law'', she persisted her innocence.

this was the first time they actually spoke 'normally' to each other.  She however,r didn't like that he was starting to become controlling and manipulative. 

'' I will never understand why you forcibly married me but I know you don't like me like a wife so stop playing up and controlling every aspect of my life".

He looked at her with an expression disgusting as if he's seen a monster. How dare she say that he thought! She should be grateful her and her annoying 'little friend' didn't get killed by me!

'' I already told you damn it! He's dangerous and I don't trust him for a minute with you. I also know of your devious plans and it won't work  he said frustratingly.

Instantly eh started to doubt everything, maybe he was right. Blake has not shown any sort of respect towards me so if he thought that his dad was going to harm me he must be serious. Otherwise he wouldn't care about what  happens to me she thought.

''If I cancel my ride with your dad promise me you will bring Suha to me!" I said , holding back tears that were forming. 

Blake didn't like the way she was demanding that he bring Suha back so why was he moments later agreeing to it.

They both started at each other but oddly enough Blake turned away. A tinge of blush starting to appear on his face. His stomach started to  knot as if he was feeling nervous. 

''I promise" he said as he got up and headed off to go inside with Brianna getting up to walk behind him.

His forced love(BWWM) (interracial)         (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now